Up: Appendices
Previous: References
- absorption
- Multiplicative Models | Spectral Models
- cross section
- galactic absorption (standard absorption | galactic absorption (interstellar absorption | source absorption (intrinsic absorption
- edge
- source absorption (single absorption | source absorption (single absorption
- galactic
- Model related Keywords
- intrinsic
- Model related Keywords | source absorption (intrinsic absorption
- Morrison-McCammon
- galactic absorption (standard absorption | galactic absorption (interstellar absorption
- trough
- absorption (absorption trough)
- absorption model
- Multiplicative Models | Absorption Models (multiplicative)
- galactic absorption
- gabs
- galactic absorption (interstellar absorption
- gamm
- galactic absorption (standard absorption
- galactic absorption
- multiplicative
- Model related Keywords | Multiplicative Models | Spectral Models | Absorption Models (multiplicative)
- scale factor, fact
- scale factor
- single edge
- sed1
- source absorption (single absorption
- sedg
- source absorption (single absorption
- single edge
- source absorption
- sakk
- source absorption (intrinsic absorption
- standard
- galactic absorption (standard absorption
- trough, trgh
- absorption (absorption trough)
- user defined, umxy
- user defined absorption model
- abundance
- galactic absorption (interstellar absorption | galactic absorption (interstellar absorption
- cosmic
- thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith -
- helium
- thermal bremsstrahlung
- hydrogen
- thermal bremsstrahlung
- metal
- thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith -
- abundances
- solar
- thermal plasma (Mewe-Kaastra - | thermal plasma (Mewe-Kaastra -
- accretion disk
- disk black body
- Autocorrelation Analysis
- asym. Gaussian line
- Asymmetric Gaussian line
- attitude
- correction mode
- Correction | Correction | Correction
- mean
- Create Images for Source
- merging
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax
- background
- count rate
- Input Data Files
- counts
- Determine Background Counts per
- particles
- spectrum
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Correction Commands | REMOVE/PARTICLES | REMOVE/PARTICLES
- particles
- particles
- particles
- selection
- Extended Source: Spectra and | Spectral Binning | Spectral Binning
- smoothed image
- Create Smoothed Background Image
- spectrum
- Determine Total Field of
- subtraction
- Creating Spectra | Crowded Field: Clearing Contaminating
- light curve
- Creating Light Curves | Instrument Correction and Background | Instrument Correction and Background | Instrument Correction and Background | Instrument Correction and Background | Instrument Correction and Background | Instrument Correction and Background | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax
- spectrum
- Creating Spectra | Instrument Correction and Background | Instrument Correction and Background | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Correction Commands | REMOVE/PARTICLES | REMOVE/PARTICLES
- band
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- Introduction | Input Data Formats
- bin
- amplitude
- Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Extended Source: Spectra and | Spectral Binning | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Command Files | Projection Pipelines
- general definition
- image
- Spatial Binning into Images
- light curve
- Time Binning into Light | Instrument Correction and Background | Instrument Correction and Background | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Commands | BIN | Projection Pipelines | Correction
- many spectra
- Projection Command Files
- profile
- Profiles | Profiles
- pulse height channel
- Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Extended Source: Spectra and | Spectral Binning | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Command Files | Projection Pipelines
- response matrix
- Preparations
- sky pixels
- Profiles | Profiles
- spectrum
- Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Extended Source: Spectra and | Spectral Binning | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Pipelines
- time
- Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Hardness Ratio | Time Binning into Light | Instrument Correction and Background | Instrument Correction and Background | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Pipelines | Correction
- binsize
- Projection Commands
- gaps suppression
- black body
- Model related Keywords | black body (Planck spectrum) | black body (Planck spectrum) | black body (Planck spectrum)
- Boltzmann constant
- Calculation of a Model | Spectral Models
- broken power law
- broken-power law | broken power law | broken power law
- calibration area
- 2.4 EXSAS Data Areas
- Crosscorrelation Analysis
- channel
- bands
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- energy
- Detector Response Matrix
- pulse height
- Detector Response Matrix | 6.6 Products of the
- chi-square
- Fitting of Spectra | General Keywords | Spectral Header
- grid
- 6.1 Examples for Reducing | Fitting of Spectra
- pixel
- Grid
- probability
- Signal Detection in Power | Integration of chi-square Distribution
- test
- Folding Search - Period
- cluster analysis
- Determine Cluster Properties
- command
- Adding a Contour Image | Command Overview
- Source Detection on PSPC | Source Detection on HRI | Local and Map Source | Screen an Image by | Command Overview
- Alignment of an Image | Command Overview
- Determine Average Off-Axis Angle | Command Overview
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Commands | BIN | BIN
- Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Extended Source: Spectra and | Hardness Ratio | Spectral Binning | Projection Commands | Projection Commands | Projection Commands | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Pipelines
- Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Hardness Ratio | Time Binning into Light | Instrument Correction and Background | Instrument Correction and Background | Projection Commands | Projection Commands | BIN | Projection Pipelines | Correction
- Profiles | Profiles
- Commands
- Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Extended Source: Spectra and | Hardness Ratio | Hardness Ratio | Spatial Binning into Images | Spatial Binning into Images | Spatial Binning into Images | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Commands | Projection Commands | Projection Commands | BIN | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Utilities
- Command Overview
- Calculate Hardness Ratios | Command Overview
- Get Extent of a | Command Overview
- Calculation of the Point
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Utilities | Utilities | Calculate Source Count Rates
- Sources partially obscured by
- EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic
- Utilities
- Applying the Maximum Likelihood | Determine Upper Limits for | Command Overview
- Merging of Source Lists | Conversion of Source Detection | Command Overview
- Command Overview
- Commands
- Creation of a Maximum | Command Overview
- Spectral Header
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax
- correction
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax
- Projection Command Files | Projection Pipelines
- Source Detection on PSPC | Source Detection on PSPC | Source Detection on PSPC | Local and Map Source | Local and Map Source | Create Smoothed Background Image | Command Overview
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Source Detection on PSPC | Sources partially obscured by
- Creation of Position Grid | Command Overview
- Spectral Header
- Screen an Image by | Command Overview
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Creating and Modifying | Extended Parameter Files | Command Overview | Commands
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | CREATE/PARFIL | Utilities | Utilities
- Source Detection on PSPC | Create Smoothed Background Image | Command Overview
- Source Detection on PSPC | Source Detection on HRI | Local and Map Source | Create Images for Source | Command Overview
- Source Detection on PSPC | Screen an Image by | Sources partially obscured by | Command Overview
- Source Detection on PSPC | Local and Map Source | Command Overview
- Source Detection on PSPC | Local and Map Source | Command Overview
- Source Detection on PSPC | Get Extent of a | Detect Sources with the | Command Overview
- Source Detection on HRI | All Source Detection Done | Command Overview
- Calculate Linear Intensity Profiles | Command Overview
- Plot Coordinate Grids | Plot Coordinate Grids | Command Overview | Command Overview
- Get Extent of a | Command Overview
- Source Detection on PSPC | Plot Source List Positions | Command Overview
- 2.5 Help Utilities
- Multi Source Fit to | Command Overview
- Commands
- Determine Galactic Coordinates of | Get Coordinates by Cursor | Command Overview
- 3.2 How to input
- 3.1 General Considerations
- Calculate Counts within a | Command Overview
- Commands
- Calculate Counts within a | Command Overview
- Label Source List Positions | Command Overview
- Creating Sky Images | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Utilities | Utilities
- Folding Search - Period
- Selection of Events | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Utilities | Utilities
- Extended Source: Spectra and | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | INPUT | Projection Command Files | Utilities | Utilities
- Command Overview
- Creation of a Point
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Utilities | Utilities
- Command Overview
- Source Detection on PSPC | Merging of Source Tables | Merging of Source Lists | Command Overview
- Commands
- Commands
- Commands
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Utilities | Utilities | Utilities
- Plotting Sources on an | Command Overview
- Plot Coordinate Grids | Command Overview
- pipeline
- Projection Command Files | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines
- Plotting Sources on an | Command Overview
- Commands
- Commands
- Commands
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Utilities | Utilities
- Command Overview
- Get Extent of a | Calculate Radial Intensity Profiles | Command Overview
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Utilities | Utilities
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax
- projection
- Projection Commands
- Plot of Light Curves
- Known-in-advance Period Detection
- Calculate Source Count Rates | Sources partially obscured by | Command Overview
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Utilities | Utilities
- Command Overview
- Utilities
- Source Detection on PSPC | Command Overview | Cleanup
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Correction Commands | REMOVE/PARTICLES | REMOVE/PARTICLES
- Projection Commands | SELECT | SELECT
- Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Spectra | Hardness Ratio | Hardness Ratio | Selection of Events | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Commands | SELECT | Projection Pipelines
- Creating Sky Images | Creating Light Curves | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Selection of Events | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Commands | SELECT | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Pipelines
- Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Profiles | Selection of Events | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Commands | SELECT | Projection Command Files | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines
- Projection Command Files | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines
- Creating Sky Images | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Crowded Field: Clearing Contaminating | Hardness Ratio | Spectral Binning | Selection of Events | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Commands | Projection Commands | SELECT | Projection Command Files | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines
- Creating Light Curves | Selection of Events | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Commands | SELECT | Projection Command Files | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines
- Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Hardness Ratio | Spectral Binning | Time Binning into Light | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | SET/PROJECTION CORRECT | SET/PROJECTION CORRECT | SET/PROJECTION CORRECT | SET/PROJECTION CORRECT | Utilities
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Utilities | Utilities
- Create a simulated observation | Command Overview
- Commands
- spectral
- Commands
- Instrument Correction and Background | Instrument Correction and Background | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Utilities | Utilities
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Utilities | Utilities
- timing
- Folding Search - Period
- EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic | Command Overview
- Determine Galactic Coordinates of | EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic | Command Overview
- EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic | Command Overview
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Utilities | Utilities
- Commands
- utilities
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Spectral Header
- Creating and Modifying | Extended Parameter Files | Command Overview
- Get Extent of a | Determine Galactic Coordinates of | Create a User defined | Command Overview
- command file
- projection
- Data Preparation | Extended Source: Spectra and | Extended Source: Spectra and | Extended Source: Spectra and | Extended Source: Spectra and | Crowded Field: Clearing Contaminating | Crowded Field: Clearing Contaminating | Profiles | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Commands | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Utilities | Utilities
- comparison
- Fitting of Spectra
- comptonization
- comptonization (Sunyaev-Titarchuk)
- confidence level
- Commands | Commands | General Keywords | Fitted Parameters | Spectral Header
- Gaussian sigma
- Determine Upper Limits for
- convergence limit
- General Keywords
- coordinates
- cursor
- Get Coordinates by Cursor
- draw line
- Plot Coordinate Grids
- draw polygone
- Plot Coordinate Grids
- ecliptic
- EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic
- ellipse
- Plot Coordinate Grids
- equatorial
- EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic
- equinox
- EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic
- galactic
- EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic
- grid
- Plot Coordinate Grids
- image pixel
- EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic
- overplot frame
- Plot Coordinate Grids
- precession
- EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic
- sky pixels
- EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic
- transformation
- EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic | EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic | EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic | Command Overview | Command Overview
- correction
- barycenter
- Arrival Time Correction
- dead time
- Spectral Binning | Time Binning into Light | Instrument Correction and Background | Correction | Correction | SET/PROJECTION CORRECT | CREATE/PARFIL
- light curve
- Instrument Correction and Background
- vignetting
- Extended Source: Spectra and | Instrument Correction and Background | Instrument Correction and Background | Correction | SET/PROJECTION CORRECT | CREATE/PARFIL | Creation of Exposure Maps
- correction vector
- Power Law Fit to | Preparations | Simultaneous Fitting of Spectra
- count
- correction
- point spread function
- Calculate Source Count Rates
- vignetting
- Determine Upper Limits for | Calculate Hardness Ratios
- correction
- correction
- from image data
- circle
- Calculate Counts within a
- rectangle
- Calculate Counts within a
- ring
- Calculate Counts within a
- from image data
- from image data
- photons
- Projection Pipelines
- count rate
- background
- Input Data Files
- source
- Input Data Files
- total
- Input Data Files
- covariance matrix
- Commands | Spectral Header | Spectral Header
- cursor
- select
- Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Light Curves | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Profiles | Spectral Binning | Spectral Binning | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines
- curved power law
- curved-power law
- data center
- 1.4 The ROSAT Science | 3.1 General Considerations
- 1.4 The ROSAT Science
- 1.4 The ROSAT Science
- 1.4 The ROSAT Science
- 1.4 The ROSAT Science
- data input
- 3.1 General Considerations
- 3.2 How to input
- data right
- 3.1 General Considerations
- dead time
- Spectral Binning | Time Binning into Light | Instrument Correction and Background | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Correction | Correction | SET/PROJECTION CORRECT | CREATE/PARFIL | Utilities | Utilities | Preparations
- deceleration parameter
- Spectral Header
- degree of freedom
- Spectrum (folded and unfolded) | Spectral Header
- detection
- period
- Known-in-advance Period Detection | Signal Detection in Power
- detector
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- response
- Fitting of Spectra | Simultaneous Fitting of Spectra | Detector Response Matrix | Detector Response Matrix | 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- response matrix
- Preparations
- detector pixel
- disk black body
- disk black body
- effective area
- Corrected Effective Area
- Power Law Fit to | Calculation of a total | Commands
- efficiency
- detector
- Preparations
- emission measure
- Spectral Models | thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | thermal plasma (Mewe-Kaastra -
- energy
- bands
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- calibration
- Detector Response Matrix
- channel
- Detector Response Matrix
- flux
- Calculation of Photon and | Spectral Header
- line
- Gaussian line | Asymmetric Gaussian line | Gaussian line
- range
- Calculation of Photon Flux | Integrated Flux Density and | General Keywords | General Keywords
- select
- Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Spectra | Hardness Ratio | Hardness Ratio | Selection of Events | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Commands | Projection Commands | SELECT | SELECT | SELECT | Projection Pipelines | PREPARE
- unit
- Calculation of a Model
- ephemeris
- Arrival Time Correction
- error
- additional
- Additional Errors
- contour line
- 6.1 Examples for Reducing
- count rate
- Input Data Files
- ellipse
- Spectral Analysis | Commands
- measured
- Fitting of Spectra | General Keywords
- parameter
- Fitting of Spectra
- statistical
- General Keywords
- systematic
- General Keywords
- 1.6 Extended Data Evaluation
- ESO Operating Manual
- 2.5 Help Utilities
- examples
- data preparation
- 4.1 Examples of Typical
- spatial analysis
- 5.1 Examples of Typical
- spectral analysis
- 6.1 Examples for Reducing
- timing analysis
- 7.1 Typical Sessions for
- exponential
- exponential | exponential | exponential
- exponential
power law - power law exponential
- exponential
power law - exponential power law
- exponential
power law - exponential power law
- exposure
- image
- Creation of Exposure Maps
- time
- Input Data Files | Spectral Header
- 1.6 Extended Data Evaluation
- calibration area
- 2.4 EXSAS Data Areas
- command
- correction
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax
- projection
- Projection Commands
- spatial
- Command Overview
- spectral
- Commands
- timing
- Introduction
- utilities
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Spectral Header
- command
- command
- command
- command
- command
- command
- data input
- 3.1 General Considerations
- data structure
- Files
- e-mail
- 2.6 EXSAS Support
- header
- command
- Spectral Header
- general
- EXSAS Standard Headers | Commands
- special
- EXSAS Standard Headers
- spectral
- Spectral Header
- header
- header
- header
- header
- help
- 2.5 Help Utilities
- installation guide
- 2.6 EXSAS Support
- mail
- 2.6 EXSAS Support
- portability
- 2.1 EXSAS Structure
- request
- 1.6 Extended Data Evaluation
- 2.1 EXSAS Structure
- software
- 2.8 EXSAS Distribution Policy
- support
- 2.6 EXSAS Support
- team
- 2.6 EXSAS Support
- test data area
- 2.4 EXSAS Data Areas
- tutorial
- 2.5 Help Utilities | 2.5 Help Utilities
- update
- 2.6 EXSAS Support
- 1.6 Extended Data Evaluation
- installation
- 2.6 EXSAS Support
- Segmented Power Spectrum | Long Power Spectrum
- file
- correction table
- Commands | Commands | Commands
- effective area table
- Commands
- input
- General Keywords
- observed spectrum
- Commands
- output
- General Keywords
- parameter
- Commands | Parameter File
- response matrix
- Commands | Commands | Commands | Commands
- spectral
- Mewe-Kaastra
- Mewe-Kaastra
- spectral model
- General Keywords
- atomic
- thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith -
- thbrall
- thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | Raymond-Smith (variable abundances)
- thbrsm
- thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | Raymond-Smith (He and metal
- thbrte
- General Keywords | thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | Raymond-Smith (quick mode)
- type
- Detector Response Matrix
- Corrected Effective Area
- Commands
- type
- type
- filter
- Preparations | Spectral Models
- boron
- Correction | CREATE/PARFIL
- transmission
- Corrected Effective Area
- fit
- Chi-square Grid Search
- best-fit
- Spectral Analysis | Fitting of Spectra
- goodness-of-fit
- Fitting of Spectra
- least-squares
- Fitting of Spectra
- power law
- Power Law Fit to
- spectral
- Spectral Analysis
- 1.6 Extended Data Evaluation
- flux
- Calculation of Photon Flux | Calculation of Photon Flux | Integrated Flux Density and
- energy
- Calculation of Photon and
- photon
- Calculation of Photon Flux | Calculation of Photon and | Spectral Models
- source
- Calculation of Photon Flux
- unit
- Spectral Models
- folding
- Preparations | General Keywords | Folding Search - Phase
- format
- Input Data Formats
- 1.6 Extended Data Evaluation
- 2.1 EXSAS Structure | Raymond-Smith (He and metal
- frequency-time image
- Segmented Power Spectrum | Frequency-Time Image Handling | Frequency-Time Image Conversion to | Frequency-Time Image Display
- Gaunt factor
- thermal bremsstrahlung | thermal bremsstrahlung | thermal-bremsstrahlung
- Gaussian line
- Gaussian line | Gaussian line
- 1.3 Satellite Data Flow
- hardness ratio
- Calculate Hardness Ratios | 6.6 Products of the
- error
- Calculate Hardness Ratios
- image
- Hardness Ratio
- header
- general
- Simultaneous Fitting of Spectra
- spectral
- Calculation of a Model
- helium
- abundance
- thermal bremsstrahlung
- line energies
- Raymond-Smith (He and metal
- help
- 2.5 Help Utilities
- facility
- 2.5 Help Utilities
- qualifier
- 2.5 Help Utilities
- Hubble parameter
- Spectral Header
- hydrogen
- abundance
- thermal bremsstrahlung | thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith -
- column density
- galactic absorption (standard absorption | galactic absorption (interstellar absorption | source absorption (intrinsic absorption
- line energies
- Raymond-Smith (He and metal
- image
- as reference
- Creating Sky Images
- bin
- Spatial Binning into Images
- binsize
- Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Spatial Binning into Images | BIN
- units
- Creating Sky Images
- corrected
- Creating Sky Images | Extended Source: Spectra and | Creation of Exposure Maps
- detector
- Projection Commands | BIN
- energy
- Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Hardness Ratio | Utilities
- exposure
- Creation of Exposure Maps | Calculate Source Count Rates
- hardness ratio
- Hardness Ratio
- intensity
- Utilities
- movie
- Projection Command Files
- patchwork
- Create Images for Source
- reference image
- Creating Light Curves | Creating Spectra
- screen by a mask
- Screen an Image by
- select
- Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Spatial Binning into Images | BIN | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines
- Utilities
- size
- Creating Sky Images | Spatial Binning into Images | BIN
- sky
- true color
- Creating Sky Images | Utilities
- vignetting
- Creation of Exposure Maps
- input
- file
- General Keywords
- mode
- General Keywords
- intensity contours
- confidence levels
- Calculate Intensity Contours
- iteration
- General Keywords | Spectral Header
- Kellog-Baldwin-Koch
- thermal bremsstrahlung | thermal bremsstrahlung | thermal-bremsstrahlung
- Kelvin
- Spectral Models
- key word
- standard MIDAS
- Output key words
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
- Is my Source constant? | Variability Analysis
- Krolik-Kallman
- source absorption (intrinsic absorption
- label
- Simulation of a Spectrum
- column
- Commands | Input Data Files | Corrected Effective Area
- least-squares
- Fitting of Spectra
- length
- unit
- Calculation of a Model
- Levenberg-Marquardt
- Fitting of Spectra
- life time
- Calculate Source Count Rates
- accepted time intervals
- Calculate Source Count Rates
- light curve
- as reference
- Projection Pipelines
- binsize
- Projection Commands
- correction
- Instrument Correction and Background | Instrument Correction and Background | Instrument Correction and Background | Correction
- dead time
- Correction
- energy band
- Hardness Ratio
- energy bands
- Creating Light Curves
- from extended source
- Extended Source: Spectra and
- from point source
- Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves
- select
- Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Hardness Ratio | Time Binning into Light | Instrument Correction and Background | Instrument Correction and Background | Projection Commands
- luminosity
- Integrated Flux Density and
- luminosity distance
- Spectral Header
- mask
- adjusted
- Source Detection on PSPC
- window support struts
- Screen an Image by
- maximum likelihood
- 5.7 Data Analysis Methods | Fitting of Spectra | General Keywords | Spectral Header
- merging
- attitude
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Utilities | Utilities
- events
- Utilities
- photon lists
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Utilities | Utilities
- merit function
- General Keywords
- metal
- abundance
- thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith -
- line energies
- Raymond-Smith (He and metal
- Mewe-Kaastra
- solar abundances
- thermal plasma (Mewe-Kaastra -
- variable abundances
- thermal plasma (Mewe-Kaastra -
- 2.1 EXSAS Structure
- bulk data frame
- 2.2 MIDAS Environment | Detector Response Matrix
- command
- 2.2 MIDAS Environment
- enviroment
- 2.2 MIDAS Environment
- files
- 2.2 MIDAS Environment
- image
- 2.2 MIDAS Environment | Detector Response Matrix
- interactive help facility
- 2.5 Help Utilities
- standard header
- MIDAS Standard Headers
- image
- MIDAS Standard Headers
- table
- MIDAS Standard Headers
- table
- 2.2 MIDAS Environment
- column
- 2.2 MIDAS Environment
- row
- 2.2 MIDAS Environment
- tutorial
- 2.5 Help Utilities
- mirror reflectivity
- Preparations
- model
- Model related Keywords | Spectral Header
- acronym
- Power Law Fit to | Commands | Commands | Commands
- parameter
- Model related Keywords | Model related Keywords | Spectral Header
- error
- Spectral Header
- Molnar
- thermal bremsstrahlung | thermal bremsstrahlung | thermal-bremsstrahlung
- neutron star
- disk black body
- Oberpfaffenhofen/Weilheim
- 1.3 Satellite Data Flow
- off-axis angle
- Determine Average Off-Axis Angle | EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic
- operating system
- 1.6 Extended Data Evaluation | 2.6 EXSAS Support
- 1.6 Extended Data Evaluation | 2.6 EXSAS Support
- output
- file
- General Keywords | Output Data Files
- key word
- Output key words
- mode
- General Keywords | Output Data Files
- Output key words
- Output key words
- parameter
- Fitting of Spectra
- fit
- Model related Keywords
- fixed
- Model related Keywords
- free
- Model related Keywords
- interesting
- Model related Keywords
- uninteresting
- Model related Keywords
- parameter file
- Parameter File
- format
- Parameter File general Format
- keyword
- Parameter File
- general
- General Keywords
- model related
- Model related Keywords
- source detection
- creation
- Creating and Modifying
- spatial analysis
- 5.3 Command Syntax and
- modification
- Creating and Modifying
- syntax
- Parameter File
- Selection of Events | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Utilities | Utilities
- sky maps
- Selection of Events | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Utilities | Utilities
- Introduction | Input Data Formats
- merging
- Utilities
- sky maps
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax
- Phase Dispersion Method
- Folding Search - Phase
- photon
- flux
- Calculation of Photon and | Spectral Header
- spectrum
- Fitting of Spectra
- index
- Chi-square Grid Search | power law | broken-power law | curved-power law
- pipeline
- projection
- Projection Command Files | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines
- Planck spectrum
- black body (Planck spectrum) | black body (Planck spectrum) | black body (Planck spectrum)
- plot
- accepted times
- Plot of accepted Times
- Plot of ACFs
- Plot of CCFs
- chi2_contour
- Chi-square Grid Search
- fit
- Power Law Fit to
- folding
- Plot of folded Light
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov
- Plot of Kolmogorov-Smirnov Output
- light curve
- 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Utilities | Utilities | Plot of Light Curves
- power spectrum
- Plot of Power Spectra
- spectrum
- Instrument Correction and Background | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Utilities | Utilities
- Utilities
- point spread function
- Get Extent of a
- Point Spread Function
- Point Spread Function
- Point Spread Function
- power law
- Power Law Fit to | Model related Keywords | Model related Keywords | power law | power law | power law
- fit
- Power Law Fit to | Power Law Fit to
- power spectrum
- Power Spectrum Analysis
- long
- Long Power Spectrum
- segmented
- Segmented Power Spectrum
- principal investigator
- 3.1 General Considerations
- probability
- binomial
- Detect Sources using Local
- chi-square
- Detect Sources using Local
- existence
- Detect Sources using Local
- Gaussian sigma
- Detect Sources using Local
- likelihood
- Detect Sources using Local
- profile
- Profiles
- azimuthal
- Calculate Azimuthal Intensity Profiles
- box
- Command Overview
- linear
- Calculate Linear Intensity Profiles
- radial
- Get Extent of a | Determine Source Extent | Calculate Radial Intensity Profiles | Command Overview
- ring integrated
- Get Extent of a | Determine Source Extent | Calculate Radial Intensity Profiles | Command Overview
- ROSAT PSPC on-axis
- Determine Source Extent
- select
- Profiles | Profiles
- projection
- command file
- Data Preparation | Extended Source: Spectra and | Extended Source: Spectra and | Extended Source: Spectra and | Extended Source: Spectra and | Crowded Field: Clearing Contaminating | Crowded Field: Clearing Contaminating | Profiles | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Commands | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Utilities | Utilities
- pipeline
- Projection Command Files | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- calibrated amplitudes
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- detection efficiency
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- detector center
- EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic
- detector response
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- energy range
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- energy resolution
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- energy-channel relation
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- exposure map
- Exposure Map
- hardness ratio
- 6.6 Products of the
- instrument map
- 5.4 Instrument Specifics - | Instrument Map
- particle background
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- point spread function
- 5.4 Instrument Specifics - | Point Spread Function
- on-axis surface brightness
- Point Spread Function
- range of channels
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- standard bands
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- window support structure
- Screen an Image by | Sources partially obscured by
- pulse height
- amplitude
- Preparations
- channel
- Preparations | Simulation of a Spectrum | Input Data Files | Detector Response Matrix | Detector Response Matrix
- spectrum
- Spectral Analysis | Preparations
- qualifier
- Commands
- Rayleigh test
- Folding Search - Period
- Raymond-Smith
- atomic
- Raymond-Smith (full code)
- full code
- thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith -
- individual abundances
- thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith -
- metal abundances
- thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith -
- quick mode
- thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith -
- rebin
- light curve
- Utilities
- red shift
- Spectral Analysis | Calculation of Luminosity | Model related Keywords | Multiplicative Models | Spectral Models | thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | Spectral Header
- residuals
- Power Law Fit to | 6.6 Products of the
- 3.1 General Considerations | 3.2 How to input
- data input
- 3.2 How to input
- exabyte cassette
- 3.1 General Considerations
- 3.3 The ROSAT Data
- magnetic tape
- 3.1 General Considerations
- 3.3 The ROSAT Data
- standard analysis processing
- 3.1 General Considerations
- 6.6 Products of the
- all sky survey
- 1.1 Introduction
- altitude
- 1.1 Introduction
- archive
- service
- 1.5 Standard Data Processing
- attitude
- 1.3 Satellite Data Flow
- calibration/verification phase
- 1.1 Introduction
- channel bands
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- data
- 6.1 Examples for Reducing
- housekeeping
- 1.3 Satellite Data Flow
- inclination
- 1.1 Introduction
- mission time line
- 1.3 Satellite Data Flow
- pointing
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.3 Satellite Data Flow | 1.4 The ROSAT Science
- 1.5 Standard Data Processing
- satellite
- 1.3 Satellite Data Flow
- ground station
- 1.3 Satellite Data Flow
- standard data processing
- 1.5 Standard Data Processing
- telemetry data
- 1.3 Satellite Data Flow
- telescope
- X-ray
- 1.1 Introduction | 1.6 Extended Data Evaluation
- 1.2 The ROSAT Instruments
- 1.1 Introduction
- telescope
- telescope
- telescope
- 1.2 The ROSAT Instruments
- data center
- 1.3 Satellite Data Flow
- X-ray telescope
- optical axis
- EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic
- pointing direction
- Create Images for Source | EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic
- vignetting
- 5.4 Instrument Specifics - | Vignetting
- X-ray telescope
- X-ray telescope
- X-ray telescope
- X-ray telescope
- 1.2 The ROSAT Instruments
- 1.2 The ROSAT Instruments
- ROSAT name
- Utilities | Utilities
- 2.6 EXSAS Support
- 1.5 Standard Data Processing
- channel bands
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- scale factor
- scale factor
- Schwarzschild radius
- disk black body
- select
- detector
- Projection Commands | SELECT
- energy
- Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Spectra | Hardness Ratio | Hardness Ratio | Selection of Events | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Commands | Projection Commands | SELECT | SELECT | SELECT | Projection Pipelines | PREPARE
- exclusion
- Crowded Field: Clearing Contaminating
- in count rate
- Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines
- optimization
- Selection of Events
- spatial
- Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Light Curves | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Extended Source: Spectra and | Crowded Field: Clearing Contaminating | Hardness Ratio | Profiles | Spectral Binning | Selection of Events | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Commands | Projection Commands | Projection Commands | SELECT | SELECT | SELECT | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines
- time
- Creating Sky Images | Creating Light Curves | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Selection of Events | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Commands | Projection Commands | SELECT | SELECT | SELECT | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines
- via cursor
- Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Sky Images | Creating Light Curves | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Profiles | Spectral Binning | Spectral Binning | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines
- sky pixel
- Spatial Binning into Images | Projection Commands | BIN
- source
- blobs
- Merging of Source Tables
- count rate
- Input Data Files
- display positions
- Plot Source List Positions
- distance to neighbour
- EquatorialEcliptic and Galactic
- intrinsic width
- Get Extent of a
- label positions
- Label Source List Positions
- source detection
- close pair of stars
- Merging of Source Tables
- example session
- Source Detection on HRI
- Local and Map Source
- example session
- EXSAS and Midas descriptors
- Relevant Descriptors from the
- extended objects
- Detect Sources using Local | Detect Sources using Background
- extended structure
- Merging of Source Tables
- Source Detection on HRI | Create Images for Source
- input and output files
- Input Files | List of Input/Output File
- local
- Source Detection on PSPC | Source Detection on PSPC
- off-axis angle
- Detect Sources using Local
- local and map
- distance to rib
- Output Files
- likelihood of existence
- Output Files
- local and map
- map
- Source Detection on PSPC | Merging of Source Tables
- maximum likelihood
- Source Detection on PSPC | Source Detection on PSPC | Local and Map Source | 5.7 Data Analysis Methods
- parameter files
- creation
- Creating and Modifying
- post-merge
- Merging of Source Lists
- pre-merge
- Merging of Source Lists
- preparatory tasks
- Source Detection on PSPC | Source Detection on HRI
- results
- background counts
- Output Files | Output Files
- distance to next source
- Output Files
- error in source count rate
- Output Files
- error in source counts
- Output Files
- error in source extension
- Output Files
- error in source x-position
- Output Files
- error in source y-position
- Output Files
- likelihood of existence
- Output Files
- likelihood of extention
- Output Files
- local and map source counts
- Output Files
- merged source counts
- Output Files
- ML source counts
- Output Files
- size of detection cell
- Output Files
- source count rate
- Output Files
- source extension
- Output Files
- source x-position
- Output Files
- source y-position
- Output Files
- upper limit counts
- Output Files
- vignetting correction factor
- Output Files
- results
- results
- results
- results
- results
- results
- results
- results
- results
- results
- results
- results
- results
- results
- results
- results
- results
- results
- results
- ROSAT Survey
- Create Smoothed Background Image | Create Smoothed Background Image | Create Images for Source | Create Images for Source | Detect Sources using Local | Detect Sources using Local | Detect Sources using Local | Detect Sources using Background | Merging of Source Tables | Detect Sources with the
- technique
- maximum likelihood
- Detect Sources with the | 5.7 Data Analysis Methods
- sliding window
- Detect Sources using Local
- technique
- technique
- upper limits
- counts
- Determine Upper Limits for
- Local and Map Source
- source model
- Spectral Models | Source Models (additive) | Source Models (normalized to
- additive
- Additive models | Spectral Models | Source Models (additive)
- energy flux
- Source Models (normalized to
- luminosity
- Source Models (normalized to
- asym. Gaussian line, asyg
- Asymmetric Gaussian line
- black body
- bbdy
- Model related Keywords | black body (Planck spectrum)
- bbef
- black body (Planck spectrum)
- bblm
- black body (Planck spectrum)
- black body
- black body
- black body
- broken power law
- bpef
- broken power law
- bplm
- broken power law
- brpl
- broken-power law
- broken power law
- broken power law
- comptonization, comp
- comptonization (Sunyaev-Titarchuk)
- curved power law, pwlb
- curved-power law
- disk black body, dibb
- disk black body
- exponential
- exef
- exponential
- exlm
- exponential
- expo
- exponential
- exponential
- exponential
- exponential
power law - plex
- power law exponential
- exponential
power law - epef
- exponential power law
- exponential
power law - eplm
- exponential power law
- Gaussian line
- gaus
- Gaussian line
- gsef
- Gaussian line
- Gaussian line
- power law
- plef
- power law
- pllm
- power law
- powl
- Power Law Fit to | Model related Keywords | Model related Keywords | power law
- power law
- power law
- power law
- power law
- power law
- thermal bremsstrahlung
- tbef
- thermal bremsstrahlung
- tblm
- thermal-bremsstrahlung
- thbr
- Model related Keywords | thermal bremsstrahlung
- thermal bremsstrahlung
- thermal bremsstrahlung
- thermal bremsstrahlung
- thermal plasma
- meka
- thermal plasma (Mewe-Kaastra -
- mekv
- thermal plasma (Mewe-Kaastra -
- rasm
- thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith -
- rsma
- thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith -
- rsmf
- thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith -
- rsms
- thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith -
- thermal plasma
- thermal plasma
- thermal plasma
- thermal plasma
- thermal plasma
- user defined, user
- User defined source model
- white spectrum, cons
- Constant (white spectrum)
- spacecraft clock
- Conversion from Spacecraft Clock
- spectrum
- calculate
- General Keywords
- compare
- General Keywords
- correction
- Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Extended Source: Spectra and | Spectral Binning
- fit
- General Keywords
- from extended source
- Extended Source: Spectra and
- from point source
- Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Extended Source: Spectra and
- rebin
- Background subtraction | PREPARE
- select
- Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Extended Source: Spectra and | Spectral Binning | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Pipelines
- standard data processing
- 6.6 Products of the
- hardness ratio
- 6.6 Products of the
- standard processing
- 1.5 Standard Data Processing | 3.1 General Considerations | Images
- images
- Images
- source tables
- Source Tables
- spectra
- 6.6 Products of the
- support
- 2.6 EXSAS Support
- table
- column
- label
- Commands | Input Data Files | Corrected Effective Area
- column
- column
- row
- Calculation of Photon Flux
- telescope
- Spectral Analysis
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
- temperature
- comptonization (Sunyaev-Titarchuk)
- plasma
- thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | thermal plasma (Mewe-Kaastra - | Raymond-Smith (quick mode) | Raymond-Smith (He and metal | Raymond-Smith (variable abundances)
- radiation
- black body (Planck spectrum)
- test data area
- 2.4 EXSAS Data Areas
- thermal bremsstrahlung
- Model related Keywords | thermal bremsstrahlung | thermal bremsstrahlung | thermal-bremsstrahlung
- thermal plasma
- thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith - | thermal plasma (Mewe-Kaastra - | thermal plasma (Mewe-Kaastra -
- time
- select
- Creating Sky Images | Creating Light Curves | Creating Spectra | Creating Spectra | Selection of Events | 4.3 Preparation Command Syntax | Projection Commands | Projection Commands | SELECT | SELECT | SELECT | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Command Files | Projection Pipelines | Projection Pipelines
- sorting
- Instrument Correction and Background | CREATE/PARFIL
- unit
- Calculation of a Model
- tutorial
- 2.5 Help Utilities
- 2.5 Help Utilities
- unit
- sky pixels
- Spatial Binning into Images
- spatial intervals
- Creating Light Curves | Creating Spectra
- spatial positions
- Creating Light Curves | Creating Spectra
- unit system
- Calculation of a Model
- 1.6 Extended Data Evaluation | 2.6 EXSAS Support
- upper limits
- counts
- correction vignetting
- Determine Upper Limits for
- flux
- confidence
- Determine Upper Limits for
- convidence levels
- Determine Upper Limits for
- flux
- user defined model
- User defined source model | user defined absorption model
- utility
- help
- 2.5 Help Utilities
- tutorial
- 2.5 Help Utilities
- vignetting
- Extended Source: Spectra and | Instrument Correction and Background | Instrument Correction and Background | Correction | SET/PROJECTION CORRECT | CREATE/PARFIL | Creation of Exposure Maps
- 1.6 Extended Data Evaluation | 2.6 EXSAS Support
- white spectrum
- Constant (white spectrum)
- XRT, energy range
- 6.5 Instrument Specifics -
If you have problems/suggestions please send mail to