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In order to overlay the data from an X-ray image in form
of contours onto a reference image (e.g. optical, radio)
the command ADD/CONTOUR can be used.
ADD/CONTOUR [parfil] [edit]
- parfil : name of parameter file where parameter settings
have to be done. The default is conpar.par
- edit : edit flag, if set to edit, the parameter file
will be offered to be edited during program execution.
The default is noedit.
The parameter file can be created by the command
and single parameters can be modified with the command
WRITE/PARFIL conpar CONTOUR_LEVELS_1 2,3,6,10,20
Table 5.26: Parameter settings for ADD/CONTOUR program
The parameters of the parameter file parfil
(conpar.par in the default) are described in more detail:
- CONTOUR_IMAGE : name of the (smoothed) image for which
contours are calculated and drawn
- RESULT_IMAGE : name of result image
- LABEL_OBJECT : label first line (e.g. the name of the object)
- LABEL_INSTRUMENT : label second line (e.g. the instrument)
- LABEL_ENERGY_RANGE : label third line (e.g. the energy range)
- LENGTH_SCALE_BAR : the length of the scale bar.
A value and a unit has to be given.
Allowed units are degree, arcmin or
The program will recognize those units
and draw a scale bar into the overlay
with a length given
(e.g. 1 degree, 5 arcmin, 10 arcsec).
- POS_OF_LABEL : position of the labels and scale bar.
It is a two character designator
lr, ll, rr, or rl).
lr stands for text left upper
corner and scale bar right lower corner,
rl for text right upper corner
and scale bar left lower corner.
- OFFSET_OF_LABEL : offset position of the scale bar label
(ima_pix) with respect to the scale
bar (e.g. 29.0).
- NUM_LEVELS : number of contour levels to be
calculated and drawn. The corresponding
values have to be given in parameters
The maximum number of levels is 25.
- CONTOUR_LEVELS_1 : values of contour levels number 1 to 5
(in units of
- CONTOUR_LEVELS_2 : values of contour levels number 6 to 10
(in units of
- CONTOUR_LEVELS_3 : values of contour levels number 11 to 15
(in units of
- CONTOUR_LEVELS_4 : values of contour levels number 16 to 20
(in units of
- CONTOUR_LEVELS_5 : values of contour levels number 21 to 25
(in units of
- STATISTIC_FLAG : statistic flag (0, 1, or 2).
Determine mean and standard deviation
mean to 0 and determine the standard
deviation of a displayed image from
a subimage specified by a cursor
- CORRECT_BLACK : correct black color (0 = no, 1 = yes)
- CORRECT_WHITE : correct white color (0 = no, 1 = yes)
- BW_SWITCH_CONTOUR : black white switch contour (e.g. 175)
- BW_SWITCH_LABEL : black white switch label (e.g. 256)
- LINE_WIDTH_CONTOUR : line width of contour (1 or 2)
- LINE_WIDTH_LABEL : line width of label (1 or 2)
- BORESIGHT_FLAG : boresight flag (e.g. T[rue] or F[alse]).
If set to T offsets in x
and y direction can be corrected for.
Offset values have to be given in the
parameter BORESIGHT_OFF_X_Y.
- BORESIGHT_OFF_X_Y : boresight offsets in x and y
direction (in arcmin)
Next: Plotting Sources on an
Up: 5.2 Tasks of the
Previous: Alignment of an Image
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