To plot the distribution of sources on an all-sky map (Aitoff projection) the two commands PLOT/AITOFF and OVERPLOT/AITOFF are necessary. The first command plots the Aitoff grid into the graphics window:
OVERPLOT/AITOFF table long_col lat_col stype [ssize] [colour]
Now, let's produce a nice all-sky plot of our sources. The color and line attributes of the grid can be set using the command SET/GRAPHICS. To open a graphics window and plot a blue Aitoff grid with thick lines use the following command sequence
CREATE/GRAPHICS SET/GRAPHICS colour=4 lwidth=4 PLOT/AITOFFAssume that we have a table quasars.tbl containing quasar positions in columns :LONG and :LAT. In this table we also have a column identifying these quasars as radio-quiet (:RADIO.eq."QUIET") or radio-loud (:RADIO.eq."LOUD"). We want to plot the different types of quasars with different symbols into the Aitoff grid. We reset the line width and plot the radio-quiet ones with filled green triangles of half the default size first.
SET/GRAPHICS lwidth=1 SELECT/TABLE quasars :RADIO.EQ."QUIET" OVERPLOT/AITOFF quasars :LONG :LAT 20 0.5 3Now we plot the radio-loud quasars with slightly larger (75% of the default) red squares:
SELECT/TABLE quasars :RADIO.EQ."LOUD" {OVERPLOT/AITOFF quasars :LONG :LAT 3 0.75 2This was just an example. We take no responsibility for the aesthetic appearance of the plot...