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Up: 4.1 Examples of Typical
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Example 1: Create a 512
512 pixels image (see note 1):
Midas 001> BIN/IMAGE #512, #512 input=events output=ima1
Example 2: Create an image with pixel size of 30 sky pixels
(see note 2):
Midas 001> BIN/IMAGE 30 in=events out=ima2
Example 3: Create an image with pixel size of 10 arcseconds
(see note 3):
Midas 001> BIN/IMAGE 10 arcsec in=events out=ima2
Example 4: Create an image with pixel size 10
from a selected box in the sky (see note 4):
Midas 001> SELECT/BOX (-100,-200) to (100,300) BIN/IMA 10 *events *smalima1
Example 5: Create an image with pixel size 5
from a box selected via the cursor on a reference image (see note 5):
Midas 001> LOAD/IMAGE ima2 cuts=0,5
Midas 002> SELECT/BOX cursor BIN/IMA 5 in=events out=smalima2
Example 6: Create an image from specified amplitude channels
(PSPC data),
time intervals and a circular portion of the sky selected via the cursor
(see note 6):
Midas 001> SELECT AMPL >11 SELECT TIME 10000,20000-
SELECT/RING cursor BIN/IMAGE 30 *events *image
Example 6a: Eliminate the first 5 ``raw'' amplitude channels
from an HRI observation (containing UV contamination) and bin the
result into an image:
Midas 001> SELECT RAW >5 BIN/IMAGE 16 *events *image
Example 7: Create from the total field three images at three
different spatial resolutions (see note 7):
Midas 013> BIN/IMAGE [20][30][60] in=events out=big,right,small
Example 8: Create three images in three
different energy bands (PSPC data only) with pixel
size of 30 sky pixels (see note 8a). Create from them a true color image
and load it to the image display (see note 8b):
Midas 001> SEL AMPL [10,50][51,100][>100] BIN/IMA 30 *events *soft,medium,hard
Midas 002> LOAD/RGB soft medium hard rgb 0,4 0,5 0,4
Example 9: Create an energy image with the same
parameters as in example 2 (PSPC data only, see note 9):
Midas 002> BIN/IMAGE 30 input=events output=energy_image
Example 10: Create an image with the same
parameters as in example 2, corrected for vignetting/effective area and
dead time (PSPC data only, see note 10)
Midas 002> BIN/IMAGE 30 input=events output=corrected_image
- Note 1
- This command creates a fixed size sky image of all the
photons listed in the input Photon Event Table events.tbl:
only the image dimensions are specified.
In this example the program selects a binsize so that all
the photons fit into the 512
512 ima1.bdf file.
The limit on your image size depends on the available memory and disk
space, but remember that
source detection commands (see Spatial Analysis chapter)
still requires in input images of exactly 512
512 pixels.
- Note 2
- In this case the constraint is set to the image resolution:
only the pixel size is specified.
Here the output image ima2.bdf is made of pixels which are 30x30
times the original sky pixels
(this would turn out to be a 512
512 image in
the case of a ROSAT-PSPC pointed observation).
- Note 3
- As in example 2, only the binsize is expressed in arcsecond.
Available units are degree, arcminute, and arcsecond.
- Note 4
- This pipeline of two Projection commands
creates an image from
a specific portion of the field of view.
A spatial SELECT command precedes the BIN one.
The numbers in brackets indicate the sky pixel coordinates of
two opposite corners of the box. The * symbol is a short form
for indicating the input and the output filenames.
- Note 5
- In this sequence of commands the sky portion to be selected is
defined manually via the graphic cursor. A previously
created sky image ima2.bdf
is loaded into the image-display for reference.
- Note 6
- In creating a sky image the photons might be
generally filtered according
to any arrival times, energies, and positions
on the detector face or on the sky. In this
example amplitude channels greater than 11 (not included) are not selected.
- Note 7
- Here 3 images with different spatial resolution are created.
To remove the squared brackets here would generate an unfriendly
error message (it cannot be created a single image having three
different bin sizes).
- Note 8a
- Up to 15 images can be created at the same time.
In this example it is shown how to create 3 images simultaneously
at 3 different energy bands. The squared brackets are required
in order to process the three selections in amplitude
independently. To remove them would turn out in a single
selection of all photons having amplitudes greater than 9! (the
two commands SEL AMPL 10,50 51,100 >100 and SEL AMPL >9
are equivalent).
- Note 8b
- True color images can be produced from three images
in different energy bands. Here the
images soft.bdf, medium.bdf and hard.bdf, created
by the previous command, are used.
A special matrix of pointers, rgb.bdf, is produced and displayed
through a special Look Up Table (contained in the system
table rgb2.lut) generating a real color image
on the image display. The cuts values, specified in the example for the three
components, must be considered indicative. In order to get
a good true color image, some tuning of the cuts is often required.
Keep in mind that it is a mistake to treat true color images as data
images (for instance smoothing them, or running source detection tasks):
these are coded images, and the pixel values are just ``pointers
to color''.
- Note 9
- Here is shown how to create the so-called energy
images (i.e. their pixel values are the average energy channel of the
photons contributing to each pixel). The ENERGY projection mode
must be set before the creation of the image. Don't forget to get back to
INTENSITY mode afterwards.
Look Up Table energy.lut is especially suitable for displaying
this kind of images.
Keep in mind that it is a mistake to run source detection tasks
on energy images -- they are not intensity images!
- Note 10
- Warning: the Projection correction mode is not applicable
for WFC and HRI data. Only PSPC data can be corrected in this way. For
HRI and WFC data alternative procedures are offered (see commands
CORRECT/..., section 4.3.4,
As soon as Projection is set in correction mode, all
the output binned datasets are corrected for vignetting/effective area
and dead time effects. Data correction is a delicate matter, so read carefully
section 4.3.4!
The default correction is not always the best you can choose
(it could be not appropriate for your data).
Keep in mind that it is wrong to run source detection tasks
on corrected images!
More details about image creation can be found in section
4.2.1 on page
In order to get familiar with
the projection command syntax it
is strongly suggested to read thoroughly section
4.3 also.
Next: Creating Light Curves
Up: 4.1 Examples of Typical
Previous: 4.1 Examples of Typical
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