The command MODEL/SPECTRUM always integrates the whole count rate and flux spectrum and stores these values in descriptors. For observed spectra these integrated quantities contain in general the galactic absorption. To calculate unabsorbed fluxes and luminosities in a given energy range the command INTEGRATE/FLUX can be used. This command requires a file which was created by MODEL/SPECTRUM in the mode CALCULATE using a model without a galactic absorption (see subsection 6.2.3). The integration is using the tabled flux values, so that the energy range has to be chosen inside the range of the table. If the source is red-shifted in addition the luminosity is calculated according to a cosmology, which can be specified on the command level. The result is written to the terminal.
There is another possibility to get a flux by using MODEL/SPECTRUM in the CALCULATE mode and with the default option of the keyword OUTPUT_MODE. In this case the result is given to the terminal without an intermediate table. If in addition the keyword FOLD is chosen instead of the flux the integrated count rate of the corresponding detector is displayed.