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Here is described the set of EXSAS commands to perform timing analysis
on data files in output from the projection.
The timing commands can be divided into five different families:
- Commands working from Binned Data Tables (BDT)
- FOLDING SEARCH: it is possible to run a folding algorithm
from binned data (Stellindgwerf method) from a BDT. It
is useful to look for periodicities in data on which some
corrections have been applied.
- Commands working from Photon Event Tables (PET)
- ARRIVAL TIME CORRECTION: it is possible to apply
barycentric corrections to a PET. The output from
this module can be either be input again for the projection
(e.g. for binning to produce a BDT), or it can be
directly input to the analysis programs.
- FOLDING SEARCH: it is possible to perform a folding
search (on period and period derivative). Different
statistical tests for the best period detection are
- ACCEPTED TIMES PLOT: it is possible to produce a plot
of the accepted times applied to a PET
- Commands working both from BDTs and PETs
to produce a power spectrum (from either a list of BDTs
or a single PET) by dividing the light curve in small stretches
(maximum length 8192 points) and averaging the single power
spectra. It is optionally possible to produce a
image, in which the single power spectra are reported vs.
time. This image is in a rough format and it can be handled by
means of some dedicated commands.
- LONG POWER SPECTRUM: it is possible to produce a single power
spectrum (from either a list of BDTs or a single PET), with a
maximum length of 524288 (
) points for the input time
- SEGMENTED AUTOCORRELATION: as in the case of power spectrum
analysis it is possible to produce average autocovariance
(or autocorrelation) functions on short stretches of data
(maximum length 8192) starting from either a list of BDTs
or from a single PET.
Different choices for the normalization are allowed.
- SEGMENTED CROSSCORRELATION: as in the case of power spectrum
analysis it is possible to produce average crosscovariance
(or crosscorrelation) functions on short stretches of data
(maximum length 8192) starting from either a list of BDTs
or from a single PET.
Different choices for the normalization are allowed.
- KOLMOGOROV-SMIRNOV TEST: K-S test against source constancy
- Commands working on tables in output from 3.
- POWER SPECTRUM PLOT: it is possible to plot a power spectrum
either SEGMENTED or LONG. If the LONG PS is
very long, it is advisable to use the SIGNIFICANCE
DETECTION program to look for periodicities.
in output from the ACF and CCF program.
- FOLDING PLOT: to plot folding tables in output from the
period folding program.
- KOLMOGOROV-SMIRNOV PLOT: to plot K-S tables in output from the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test program.
- SIGNIFICANCE DETECTION: with this command it is possible to
identify (in a power spectrum produced via the LONG PS
command) bins with power exceeding a given significance.
- Frequency-Time IMAGE DISPLAY: this command takes in input the
-T image in output from the SEGMENTED PS
command, and produces a more displayable image.
- Frequency-Time IMAGE CONVERSION: it is a command for
the conversion to rms of the rough
image in output from the SEGMENTED PS command.
- Frequency-Time IMAGE PLOT: it is possible to produce a 3-D plot
either in power or in rms from a rough
-T image in
output from the SEGMENTED PS command.
- General utilities
- CHI-SQUARE INTEGRATION: it is possible to integrate a
distribution function with a specified number of d.o.f. above
a certain
level. This command can be used to
estimate the significance of detection for the period
folding programs.
- LIGHT CURVE PLOT: it is possible to plot light curves in
count rate units.
- SCC-JD CONVERSION: conversion from ROSAT
spacecraft clock to Julian Day and Rosat Day.
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