A list of all EXSAS Spatial Analysis commands in alphabetical order follows. For each command also the parameters are given together with a short description.
ADD/CONTOUR [parfil] [edit]parfil = name of parameter file.
The default is conpar.par
[edit] = edit flag
ADJUST/MASK image mask [rot_ang x_trans y_trans] [attitude]
image = name of reference image
mask = name of mask to be rotated and displaced
rot_angle = rotation angle of mask (degree)
x_trans = x-translation (image pixel)
y_trans = y-translation (image pixel)
attitude = name of attitude table
load = load mask boundary to display flag
ALIGN/SCAN stars numbers [inpima] [refima] [outtab]
stars = name of table containing RA(2000)
and Decl(2000) coordinates of reference stars
numbers = number,sequence_numbers of stars
(from table stars) used for the alignment
inpima = name of image to be aligned
refima = name of image onto which inpima
will be aligned.
outtab = name of output table created by alignment
AVERAGE/OFF_AXIS_ANGLE [attitude] [xsky,ysky] [timref] [display]
attitude = name of attitude table.
The default is attitude.tbl
xsky,ysky = sky coordinates of source.
The default is 0,0
timref = name of file containing the reference
time selections. Default is image1.bdf
display = display flag. If set to anything else
than D the result will not be displayed on screen.
The default is D.
CALCULATE/GALACTIC_NH long lat [displ] [table]
long = galactic longitude (degrees).
lat = galactic latitude (degrees).
displ = display flag, if set to y,
the result is displayed to the terminal screen.
The default is y.
table = name of input coordinate table
with columns :RA_DEG and :DEC_DEG.
result is written to a column :NH
CALCULATE/HARDNESS_RATIOS [parfil] [edit_flag]
parfil = name of parameter file
edit_flag = edit flag for the parameter file,
the default is noedit, edit means
to edit parfil when the command is started.
CALCULATE/PSF distr [INFO_P_Q_flag] [param] [mis_det] [atti]
distr = probability distribution (Gauss/Analytic)
INFO_P_Q_flag = Info, Probability or Quantile
param = parameters (distribution dependent)
misdet = Mission,Detector identifier.
The default is ROSAT,PSPC
COMPUTE/UPPER_LIMITS [parfil] [edit]
parfil = name of parameter file,
the default is ulpar.par.
edit = edit flag for the parameter file,
the default is noedit, edit means
to edit parfil when the command is started.
in_list = name of ML (or LDETEC or MDETEC) table
out_list = name of converted table
CONVERT/PROBABILITY mode value [display]
mode = meaning of parameter value:
P: probability of existence (percent)
L: likelihood
S: standard deviations (
value = numerical value. Its meaning is defined
by the preceding parameter mode
display = display flag. If set to anything else
than D the result will not be displayed on screen.
The default is D.
CONVERT/SOURCE_TABLE sou_tab ref_ima [mlima] [flag]
sou_tab = name of sourcve table (with columns
:X_IMA and :Y_IMA)
ref_ima = name of reference image (reference to
image pixel coordinates specified in sou_tab)
mlima = name of (output) maximum likelihood image.
The default is mlima.bdf.
CREATE/BG_IMAGE [parfil] [edit]
parfil = name of parameter file,
the default value is dbpar.par.
edit = edit flag for the parameter file,
default is noedit, edit means to edit
parfil when the command is started.
CREATE/GRID_TABLE gritab refima xstrt,ystrt xstep,ystep nx,ny
gritab = name of grid table (user_list input for ML)
refima = name of reference image. Image is used
to get pointing direction reference (in RA, DEC)
xstrt,ystrt = x,y start value of lower left corner
of grid (sky pixels)
xstep,ystep = x,y step value of grid (sky pixels)
nx,ny = number of grid pixels in x,y direction
CREATE/MASK image [mask] [mode] [table] [disp]
image = name of displayed image.
mask = name of polygone mask to be created.
The default is mask.bdf.
mode = input mode CUR, TAB or DESC,
the default is CUR
table = name of table with :X_SKY, :Y_SKY columns
disp = display flag for masked polygone
CREATE/PARFIL task [parfil] [experi] [param] [value] [extended]
task = task identifier EXDL, EXDB, EXDM,
parfil = name of the parameter file.
experi = experiment identifier. ROSAT,PSPC,
The default is ROSAT,PSPC.
param = parameter name.
value = value of the parameter.
extended = flag for extended set of parameters
(Not necessary for general use). Activated by any input.
CREATE/SMOOTH_BG in_image bg_image LDET_list [cut_rad]
[val_smoo] [deg_poly] [draw_flag] [fullout]
in_image = image from which to create the
smoothed background image.
bg_image = smoothed background image.
LDET_list = local detection source table
(created by the command DETECT/LOCAL).
cut_rad = cut radius for sources in units
of the radius of the bright source (source lying
above the background). Default is 4.
val_smoo = filter smooth radius in units of
image pixels. The default is 16.
deg_poly = degree of the polynomial to fill
the regions cut out at the source positions,
(0, 1, or 2). The default is 1.
draw_flag display/draw flag, if set to N
no output is given to display, if set to Y
the modified area is displayed step for step.
The default is Y
fullout full output flag. If set to "Y",
a cheesed image bldfl.bdf and a binned background
image binfl.bdf are created. Default is fullout=N.
CREATE/SOURCE_DETECT_IMAGE [pet] [ampl] [center] [bin] [evrat] or
[parfil] [edit]
pet = name of photon event table,
defaulted to events.tbl.
ampl = amplitude range(s) in which the image(s)
will be accumulated, defaulted to 1-256.
center = x,y sky pixel coordinate of the image
bin = bin size of the image in sky pixels.
evrat = name of eventrates table to compute
the lifetime factor and write it to the descriptor
LIF_TIM of image1.bdf, image2.bdf, e.g.
parfil = name of parameter file,
the default value is impar.par.
edit = edit flag for the parameter file,
default is noedit, edit means to edit
parfil when the command is started.
CREATE/WOBBLED_MASK [image] [mask] [threshold] [attitude] [keep]
image = name of reference image,
the default is image1.bdf.
mask = name of output mask,
the default is mask.bdf.
threshold = shadowing threshold, the default is 0.95.
Every pixel illuminated less than this fractional
threshold will be set to 0 in the mask.
attitude = attitude file name,
the default is attitude.tbl.
keep = keep flag, defaulted to no.
If keep = yes, an image shadow.bdf showing the
obscuration by the PSPC rib structure will be kept
on disk.
parfil = name of parameter file,
the default is dlpar.par.
edit = edit flag for the parameter file,
the default is noedit, edit means
to edit parfil when the command is started.
parfil = name of parameter file,
the default is dmpar.par.
parfil = name of parameter file,
the default is sppar.par.
edit = edit flag for the parameter file,
the default is noedit, edit means
to edit parfil when the command is started.
DETECT/SOURCES [image] [pem] [mask] [displ] [minml]
[skycen,bin] [offmax] [bg_image]
image = name of image of appropriate form
512 pixels, bin size 15 arcsec
in case of ROSAT/PSPC). Image must have
the EXSAS header descriptors. If set to create
then an image of 512
512 pixels will be
created by the command BIN/IMAGE. The binsize
of the image is determined from the second value
of the parameter skycen,bin.
Defaulted to image1.bdf.
pem = name of PEM (small map sorted photon event
table). pem should have the same data as image.
Defaulted to events.tbl.
mask = name of mask image, the default
is mask057.bdf (PSPC). If set to create,
then a polygone mask can be specified by cursor.
See the command CREATE/MASK.
displ = display flag. If set to displ then
positions of found sources will be displayed
to the overlay channel of the displayed image,
the default is nodispl.
minml = minimum ML for accepting a source
(ln(1 - probability of existence)), the default is 15.
skycen,bin = skycen = x,y coordinates
of sky pixel coordinate system, bin is the
bin size of the image in sky pixels, the default
for ROSAT,PSPC is 0.,0.,30. This parameter becomes
active in case image is set to create.
bg_image is the name of the background image.
DRAW/BOX_PROFILE [image] [coord] [dis] [side] [cuts] [table]
image = name of the image, the default is
the name of the displayed image.
coord = coordinate specification for the box :
(ll stands for lower left and ur
for upper right corner of the box, x for
x-coordinate and y for y-coordinate) or
CURSOR, specify the lower left and
upper right corner of the box by cursor input.
The default is CURSOR.
dis = display overlay identifier. The default
is displ in case of coord = CURSOR
and nodispl in case of
coord = x-center,y-center,in_radius,out_radius.
side = side to which the profile is projected.
Allowed values are X (x-axis), Y (y-axis)
and XY (x- and y-axis), the default is XY.
cuts = low, high cuts range for which
the profile will be calculated. The default is
table = name of table file to which profile
will be written, the default is linprof.tbl.
DRAW/COORDINATES line [isoline] [equinox] [text_flag] [tab_flag]
[color] [displ]
isoline = coordinate specification in degrees
for isoline (RA=120.4 or DEC=-70.4
or LAMB=20.3 or BET=-4.2 or LII=0.2
or BII=14.4 e.g.).
equinox = equinox of the coordinate specification,
the default is 2000.0.
text_flag = 0 means to display no description
of the coordinate line on the display, = 1 means
to display the description of the coordinate line
on the display as specified,
= 2 to display right ascension in hours,minutes,seconds
and declination in degrees,minutes,seconds. Default is 1.
tab_flag = table output flag. If set to 1,
the table name is the value of isoline, else the table name
is the value of table_flag. The default is 0, no table output.
color = color of coordinate line and text label
(white, yellow, green, red, blue, backg, cyan, magenta, black)
displ = display flag, if set to disp the coordinate
line will be drawn to the image overlay channel 0,
if no image is loaded the name of the image has
to be specified with this parameter (this is only necessary
in case of table output flag setting). Default is disp.
DRAW/COORDINATES polygon [parfil] [edit]
parfil = name of parameter file.
If the file is not found in the current directory,
then it is created by the command
edit = edit flag for the parameter file,
edit or noedit.
DRAW/RADIAL_PROFILE [image] [coord] [bins] [limit] [displ]
image = name of the image, the default is
the name of the displayed image.
coord = coordinate specification for circle:
The default is CURSOR (specification of the
circle by cursor).
bins = number of rings within the circle
in which counts are calculated, the default is 20.
limit = integration parameter, the default
is 0.05, the maximum possible value is 1.
displ = display identifier. The default is
displ in case of coord = CURSOR
and nodispl in case of coord =
DRAW/SOURCE_POSITIONS table [disp] [symbol] [color] [sizecol]
[textcol] [format]
table = name of source table.
disp = display source number or text flag,
1 means to display source number or text,
0 means not to display source number or text,
the default is 1.
symbol = plot symbol (square, circle or cross ),
the default is square.
color = color of plot (white, yellow, green, red,
blue, backg, black), the default is white.
sizecol = table column label from which symbol size
is taken. Specify the label as :LABEL. The default is
a symbol size of 7 image pixels.
textcol = table column specifying the
number or text displayed with the symbol.
format = display format for the number or text.
FIT/MULTI_SOURCE parfil [edit]
parfil = name of parameter file, default name is
edit = edit flag
GET/COORDINATES [system] [equinox]
system = coordinate system (equ[atorial],
ecl[iptic] or gal[actic]), the default
is equ.
equinox = equinox for calculated coordinates,
the default is 2000.0.
INTEGRATE/BOX [image] [coord] [limit] [displ]
image = name of the image.
coord = coordinate specification of the box:
in image pixels. The default is CURSOR,
specification of the box by cursor.
limit = integration parameter, the default
value is 0.05, the maximum possible value is 1.
Parameter is not active.
displ = display identifier, the default is
displ in case of coord = CURSOR and
nodispl else.
INTEGRATE/RING [image] [coord] [limit] [displ]
image = name of the image
coord = coordinate specification of ring/circle:
The default is CURSOR (specification of
the ring/circle by cursor.
limit = integration parameter, the default
is 0.05, the maximum possible value is 1.
displ = display identifier, the default is
displ in case of coord = CURSOR and
nodispl in case of coord =
LABEL/SOURCE_POSITIONS table [x-label] [y-label] [textcol]
[xoffs,yoffs] [format] [size]
table = name of source table with columns
x-label = table column label from which x-position
is read. Specify as :LABEL. The default is :X_SKY
y-label = table column label from which y-position
is read. Specify as :LABEL. The default is :Y_SKY
textcol = column label from which displayed text
is taken. Specify as :LABEL. Default is SEQ(uence).
xoffs,yoffs = offset in x,y position relative to
position specified in x-label,y-label
The default is (xmax-xmin)/55,(ymax-ymin)/55
format = text display format (e.t.c. F10.2, I6,
E10.4, A20). The default is the I-format.
size = size of text (mult. factor 1,2,3).
The default is 1.
MAKE/PSF_MODEL psf_table offax [model] [experi]
psf_table = name of PSF table to be created
offax = off-axis angle (arcmin)
model = onax (on-axis model), ofax (off-axis model)
ofaxg (Gaussian off-axis model for ROSAT,HRI)
experi = experiment identifier. Allowed values
are ROSAT,PSPC (default) and ROSAT,HRI.
MERGE/SOURCE_TABLES [parfil] [edit]
parfil = name of parameter file, the default
is smpar.par.
edit = edit flag for the parameter file,
the default is noedit, edit means
to edit parfil when the command is started.
MERGE/ML_SOURCE [parfil] [edit]
parfil = name of parameter file, the default
is mppar.par.
edit = edit flag for the parameter file,
the default is noedit, edit means
to edit parfil when the command is started.
OVERPLOT/AITOFF table long_col lat_col stype [ssize] [colour]
table = name of table to be overplotted
long_col = column containing longitude (degrees).
Specify as :LABEL. No default.
lat_col = column containing latitude (degrees).
Specify as :LABEL. No default.
stype = symbol type. Equivalent to parameter
stype in SET/GRAPH. No default.
ssize = symbol size. Equivalent to parameter
ssize in SET/GRAPH. Defaulted to 1.
colour = symbol color. Equivalent to parameter
colour in SET/GRAPH. Defaulted to 1.
OVERPLOT/COORDINATES mode ra_s,ra_e,ra_i de_s,de_e,de_i ima
[tic] [equinox]
mode = only allowed value is frame
ra_s,ra_e,ra_i = start,end,increment
of right ascension (degrees)
de_s,de_e,de_i = start,end,increment
of declination (degrees)
ima = name of reference image
tic = relative tick-mark length in ra,dec.
equinox = equinox of coordinate specification.
ratio = x/y axis ratio.
Default is 2.0 .
psf_table = name of PSF table to be plotted
PLOT/RING_PROFILE pet coord [ampl] [time] [mode] [nbin]
[window] [log]
pet = name of photon event table
coord = coordinate string specification of
ring region: x-center,y-center,in-radius,out-radius.
ampl = amplitude range, the default is
all amplitudes.
time = time range, the default is the whole
time range.
mode SKY or DET, to create profiles in sky
or detector coordinates. The default is SKY.
nbin = number of rings and ring segments,
the default is 20, the maximum value is 512.
window if set to 1, only radial profile
is plotted. if set to 2, also azimuthal profile
is plotted, the default
log when set to LOG the plot is logaritmic.
When set to LIN the plot is linear. Default is LOG.
READ/EXPOSURE sou_tab exp_ima lab_rad sel_reg
sou_tab = name of source table
exp_ima = name of exposure image
lab_rad = column label of the table sou_tab
specifying radius of region from which mean exposure
will be calculated
REBIN/EXPOSURE refima in_expos out_expos
refima = name of reference image
in_expos = name of input exposure image
(to be rebinned)
out_expos = name of output exposure image
confirm = Confirm flag. If set to NO
then no confirmation is performed, the default is
confirmation is done.
SIMULATE/SOURCE [det] [source] [backgr] [ampl] [offset] [wobble]
det = detector (PSPC or HRI), defaulted to PSPC
source = unvignetted source counts, defaulted
to 10000.
backgr = mean background level (cts/sky_pixel),
defaulted to 0.00005 cts/sky_pixel
ampl = s_ampl,b_ampl. Amplitude channels for
source and background. Defaulted to 100,30 (PSPC) or
8,2 (HRI)
offset = xoffset,yoffset. Source offset from
pointing direction (sky_pixel). Defaulted to 0,0
wobble = wamp,wper,wrol. Wobble amplitude in
sky pixel, wobble period in seconds, and angle between
wobble direction and north in deg.
Defaulted to 0,0,0 (no spacecraft wobble)
TRANSFORM/COORDINATES in_table [out_table] [equinox] [ref_image]
[dist_flag] [ampl]
in_table = source table with columns
:INDEX, :X_SKY, :Y_SKY or (:X_IMA, :Y_IMA or
:X_POS, :Y_POS) and with the EXSAS descriptors.
out_table = coordinate table with
columns :INDEX, :X_IMA, :Y_IMA, :X_SKY, :Y_SKY,
and with the EXSAS header descriptors.
equinox = equinox for which right ascension
and declination is calculated, the default
is 2000.0
ref_image = reference image from which MIDAS
standard and EXSAS general descriptors are read.
If no reference image is given the descriptors
are read from in_table, the default case.
dist_flag = flag specifying whether the
distance to the next neighbour (source), the
off-axis angle and the FWHM of the source shall
be calculated (y) or not (n).
ampl = calibrated amplitude for which the
:FWHM entry is calculated.
The default is ampl = 30.
TRANSFORM/EQU_ECL_GAL in_table [out_table] [equinox] [ref_sys]
in_table = coordinate table with columns
:RA_DEG for right ascension (degrees) and
:DEC_DEG declination (degrees) in case ref_sys = EQU,
or with columns :INDEX, :LAMDA, :BETA in case
ref_sys = ECL,
or with columns :INDEX, :LII, :BII in case ref_sys = GAL.
out_table = transformed coordinate table
with columns :INDEX, :RA_DEG, :DEC_DEG,
equinox = equinox for which right ascension
and declination are specified, the default is 2000.0.
ref_sys = coordinate reference system.
Coordinates must be specified in this system.
EQU = equatorial (columns :RA_DEG, :DEC_DEG evaluated),
GAL = galactic (columns :LII, :BII evaluated),
ECL = ecliptic (columns :LAMDA, :BETA evaluated).
The default is ref_sys = EQU.
TRANSFORM/RADEC_TO_PIXEL in_table [out_table] [ref_image] [equinox]
in_table = coordinate table with columns
:RA_DEG for right ascension (degrees)
and :DEC_DEG for declination (degrees).
out_table = transformed coordinate table
with columns :INDEX, :RA_DEG, :DEC_DEG, :X_IMA,
:Y_IMA, :X_SKY, :Y_SKY and EXSAS descriptors
from ref_image
ref_image = reference image with EXSAS
equinox = equinox for which right ascension
and declination are specified in in_table,
the default is 2000.0.
WRITE/PARFIL parfil param [value] ? ? [mode]
parfil = name of the parameter file.
param = parameter name.
value = value of the parameter.
mode = for deleting or renaming a parameter.
table = name of table with columns :RA_DEG and
:DEC_DEG. If not existing, it will be created.
RA = right ascension in (a) decimal degrees
(b) hours,minutes,seconds.
DEC = declination in (a) decimal degrees,
DDD.DDD, (b) degrees,minutes,seconds DD,MM,SS.S
row = row number of the table (the default is 1).