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Calculate Linear Intensity Profiles


For data binned to an image the profile projected to the horizontal or to the vertical side of a box can be calculated with the command

DRAW/BOX_PROFILE [image] [coord] [dis] [side] [cuts] [table]

Examples are :

DRAW/BOX_PROFILE ? ? ? X 0,10 lin001.tbl 
DRAW/BOX_PROFILE image1 100.,100.,300.,300. ? Y

The linear profile (binsize one image pixel) is written to the table linprof.tbl if no other name is specified in the command line and has the columns as listed in Table 5.19.

Table 5.19: Column-labels of table linprof.tbl

If one has set the side flag to XY and wants to have first a look at the profile across the x-axis and then at the profile across the y-axis one can first select the table linprof.tbl in the column S as

SELECT/TABLE linprof.tbl :S.EQ."X"
and then as

SELECT/TABLE linprof.tbl :S.EQ."Y"
In case of photon event file data the PROJECTION BIN command has to be used to create a linear profile.

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