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For data binned to an image the ring integrated (radial) profile can be
calculated with the command
DRAW/RADIAL_PROFILE [image] [coord] [bin] [limit] [displ]
- image is the name of the image. The default is the
name of the displayed image.
- coord is the coordinate specification for the ring or circle:
x-center,y-center,in-radius,out-radius, or: CURSOR,
specify the center of the circle, one point at the inner and one
point at the outer ring in case of a ring. In case of a circle
click twice for the inner ring or click the exit button in case
of the second ring. The default is CURSOR.
- bin is the number of rings within the circle in which
counts are calculated, the default is 20.
- lim is an integration parameter (0.05 to 1.) determining
the pixel accuracy of the integration (0.05 for best accuracy).
- dis is a display overlay identifier. The default is
displ in case of coord = CURSOR and
nodispl else.
The coordinates of the center of the circle and of a point lying at the
rim of the ring can be specified by cursor or by numbers with the
x-position, the y-position and the radius in image pixels.
Examples are :
DRAW/RADIAL_PROFILE myimage 200.,225.,10.
DRAW/RADIAL_PROFILE myimage 200.,225.,10. 8 0.5 nodispl
The radial profile is written to the table radprof.tbl
which contains the columns summerized in
Table 5.20.
Table 5.20: Column labels of table radprof.tbl
For photon event file data the ring integrated (radial) profile can be
calculated with the command
PLOT/RING\_PROFILE pet coord [ampl] [time] [mode] [nbin] [window] [log]
- pet is the name of the photon event table.
- coord is the coordinate specification for the ring or
circle: x-center,y-center,in-radius,out-radius, in sky coordinates.
- ampl is the amplitude range ampl1,ampl2.
The default is all amplitudes.
- time is the time range time1,time2.
The default is the whole time range.
- mode SKY or DET, to create profiles in sky or detector
coordinates. The default is SKY.
- nbin is the number of rings and ring segments,
the default value is 20, the maximum value is 512.
- window if set to 1, only the radial profile is plotted.
Default is 2 (the radial and the azimuthal profiles are drawn).
- log when set to LOG the plot is logaritmic.
When set to LIN the plot is linear. Default is LOG.
Examples are:
PLOT/RING_PROFILE events -1000.,1000.,300. ? ? ? 30
PLOT/RING_PROFILE events -1000.,1000.,100.,300. ? ? ? 30
PLOT/RING_PROFILE test 0.,0.,100. 20,80 1000.,5000. ? 10
PLOT/RING_PROFILE keep 0.,0.,1000. ? ? ? 100
PLOT/RING_PROFILE keep 0.,0.,1000. ? ? ? 50 1 LOG
The radial profile is written to the table radevents.tbl
which contains the columns
(cf. Table 5.21).
Table 5.21: Column labels of table radevents.tbl
Next: Calculate Azimuthal Intensity Profiles
Up: 5.2 Tasks of the
Previous: Calculate Linear Intensity Profiles
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