Since the parameter list of the main command in spectral analysis MODEL/SPECTRUM is only a list of file names all other input like the model with its parameters and the parameters controlling the program flow are buried in the parameter file. This is (for easy handling) an ASCII file, which can be edited with a common editor like edt or vi. In a MIDAS session it is possible to create a standard parameter file by using the EXSAS command
CREATE/PARFIL fit parameter_file_name ? [parameter] [value] [expert_flag],where the file name has to be given while a parameter name, its value, and the expert flag are optional. By using the expert option (any letter) all comment explaining the keywords is skipped.
In the following a short description of the syntax of the parameter file is given.
KEYWORD parameter_1 parameter_2 ...... [parameter_n]
Parameters can be mandatory (no bracket) or optional (square brackets [...]). Usually they have proper default values. These keywords can be omitted if their default values are chosen. A parameter list can also be empty. Keyword and parameters are separated by blanks.