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Create Images for Source Detection


In the present version of Source Detection images must be of the size 512 tex2html_wrap_inline17525 512 pixels and have a bin size of 50 to 100 % of the size of the FWHM of the on-axis point spread function of the experiment. Such images can be created with the commands

CREATE/SOURCE_DETECT_IMAGE  pet  ampl [center] [bin] [evrat] 

The center of the binned image should be the sky position mapped to the detector center. As the telescope pointing is not stable, a mean sky position is recommended to be given. This mean position xcen, ycen can be calculated from the attitude table as

where <XOFFSET>, <YOFFSET> are the mean values of the :XOFFSET and :YOFFSET columns respectively and SKY_CEN_X and SKY_CEN_Y are the descriptors giving the pointing direction of the telescope. In case the data are   larger than the size of the image, a patchwork of images has to be   binned. Then the values XCEN, YCEN should be calculated as

XCEN = x sky pixel coordinate of center of image in patchwork
YCEN = y sky pixel coordinate of center of image in patchwork

Now the detection cell size may no longer be adjusted to the image pixel size. Also the range in image pixels over which the detection cell is slided may be different from the default. This means a careful handling of the extended parameters NUM_RUNS, DEAD_X_ROWS and DEAD_Y_ROWS is necessary in the local and map detection commands (see sections 5.2.5 and 5.2.6).   It often is sufficient to use the ROSAT Survey defaults in such a case: NUM_RUNS = 2, DEAD_X_ROWS = 3,3,0,0,0,0, DEAD_Y_ROWS = 3,3,0,0,0,0.

CREATE/SOURCE_DETECT_IMAGE events 7-240,7-40,41-240
CREATE/SOURCE_DETECT_IMAGE events1 7-240 ? ? eventrates1
CREATE/SOURCE_DETECT_IMAGE events 7-240 2000.,2000. 48

In the last two examples the values of the parameters center and bin deviate from the standard settings. These settings may result in wrong results in Source Detection.

The following default bin-sizes are installed for different experiments in the program (see Table 5.2).  

Table 5.2: Default image parameters for SOURCE DETECTION

The parameter file impar.par has default values for ROSAT PSPC and pointed observations (see Table 5.3).

Table 5.3: Parameter file for CREATE/SOURCE_DETECT_IMAGE parfil

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