The command model/spectrum allows in its calculate mode to compute a monochromatic photon flux or count rate spectrum depending on the folding option. Here we give an example to calculate the unabsorbed photon flux density of a power law derived from a fit to the spectrum of our source (see example 1 of this section).
First we define a power law model in parameter file spectrum_flux by using command CREATE/PARFIL fit. The expert flag skips the detailed explanation of the key words. We use the mode calculate and define the energy range between 0.1keV and 2.4keV, which is also the range by default. The output is given to table spectrum_flux. The power law model is defined without any absorption.
Note:Here we give an example of a short parameter file, where we delete all unnecessary keywords, change characters to lower case, and abbreviate the remaining keywords sensibly.
Midas 001> create/parfil fit spectrum_flux ? ? ? expert cal ! calculates only photon flux energy 0.1 2.4 ! energy interval, unit in keV out_mode spectrum ! output mode out_file spectrum_flux ! output file model powl(1,2) ! power law par 1 2.3137e-2 ! flux amplitude at E0 par 2 -3.984 ! photon index gammaNow we run model/spectrum with parameter file spectrum_flux and output the unabsorbed spectrum to table spectrum_flux.tbl.
Midas 002> model/spectrum spectrum_flux Got spectral parameters from spectrum_flux.par. DATA SET 1 MODEL 1 POWL(1,2) PARAMETER 1 2.3137E-2 PARAMETER 2 -3.984 REDSHIFT Initialize table spectrum_flux.tbl.Read the first five rows of table spectrum_flux.
Midas 003> read/tab spectrum_flux @1 @5 Table : spectrum_flux Sequence ENERGY E_BIN_WIDTH PF_M -------- ------------ ------------ ------------ 1 1.0000e-01 2.3023e-03 2.2300e+02 2 1.0230e-01 2.3023e-03 2.0367e+02 3 1.0460e-01 2.3023e-03 1.8639e+02 4 1.0691e-01 2.3023e-03 1.7090e+02 5 1.0921e-01 2.3023e-03 1.5699e+02 -------- ------------ ------------ ------------Create a graphic window and plot the calculated unabsorbed power law spectrum.
Midas 004> create/graph Midas 005> set/graphic ltype=1 stype=0 pmode=1 Midas 006> plot/tab spectrum_flux log(:energy) log(:pf_m)The integrated flux in the defined energy interval from 0.1keV to 2.4kev can be taken from the descriptor PHOTON_FLUX and ENERGY_FLUX in units of photons/cm
Midas 007> read/descriptor spectrum_flux.tbl PHOTON_FLUX PHOTON_FLUX : 0.00000000000000E+00 0.00000000000000E+00 7.4765823152181 Midas 008> read/descriptor spectrum_flux.tbl ENERGY_FLUX ENERGY_FLUX : 0.00000000000000E+00 0.00000000000000E+00 1.1222382746957