Up: Correction Commands
This is a general EXSAS command which is
used to generate dummy
parameter files related to different tasks. When the task
CORR is specified, a dummy Correction parameter file of
any specified name is created
(if a file with that name already existed, it would be overwritten).
To create a parameter file is only necessary for correction tasks
which are wished to be run independently from Projection.
If an expert flag is not specified, the parameter file
would include plenty of explanatory comment lines, in order
to make it easy to fill in the parameter file entries.
The following entries are available in the correction parameter file:
- CORRECTION_MODE: it defines the mode under which
the correction procedure should be run. It can be set either
to attitude or to photon mode.
- ATTITUDE_FILE: it defines the name of the attitude
file to be used when the CORRECTION_MODE is set to attitude.
- PHOTON_EVENT_TABLE: it defines the name of the photon
event table to be used when the CORRECTION_MODE is set
to photon.
A photon event table having a sky map structure is forbidden. Usually the
ROD photon event table has such a structure. The correction
procedure requires a photon event table sorted in time, but time sorting
would destroy the sky maps. Therefore it is advisable to select a sub-photon
event table, containing at least the relevant photons (those
used in creating the binned dataset) from the original one.
In the photon event table used in the
correction procedure in photon mode, there must be contained at least
the photons which contributed to the binned dataset to be corrected.
- OFF_AXIS_HISTOGRAM_BIN_SIZE: used in the PSPC and HRI data
correction only. It defines the
binsize for the off axis histogram which is produced
during the correction procedure. It is expressed in arcminutes, defaulted
to 1. We found that there is no point in modifying this parameter --
the execution time does not practically change -- so leave it as it
correction only. It defines the
pixel for the detector histogram which is produced
during the correction procedure. It is expressed
in detector pixels, defaulted
to 1. We found that there is no point in modifying this parameter --
the execution time does not practically change -- so leave it as it
- DATA_TO_BE_CORRECTED: the name of the table containing
the data to be corrected is specified here. By default the data are
assumed to be located at the first data column of the table.
Differently, a column label must be specified: it must be
separated from the table name by a comma (,) (for instance,
mytable,mylabel). Following the MIDAS notation, the label name
might be preceded by a colon (as in mytable,:mylabel).
- REPRESENTATIVE_SPECTRUM: in order to make an accurate
light curve correction, the name of a table containing a
typical spectrum of the source
from which the light curve was derived must be specified here.
Not specifying a spectral shape in the light
curve correction affects heavily the vignetting correction, and the
result is generally garbage.
This parameter is ignored in the spectral correction.
sky pixel coordinates of the fixed point of the sky which is
taken in consideration in attitude mode
(usually the location of a point source).
In photon mode this entry is ignored. The sky coordinates can be
omitted even in attitude mode, when the data to be corrected
where selected from a circular portion of the sky: in this
case the sky pixel coordinates will correspond by default to
the center of this circle. In all other cases the source coordinates
have to be specified.
containing the instrument effective area as a function of energy and
detector position. The effective area correction is compulsory.
In the ROSAT-PSPC case the table EXSAS_CAL:effarea_pspcb.tbl
and EXSAS_CAL:effarea_pspcc.tbl are available. In the ROSAT-HRI
case the effective area is given in the table
containing filters transmission as a function of photon energy. When no filter
correction is required, this parameter must be removed (or commented out)
from the parameter file. In the ROSAT-PSPC case the Boron
filter data are located at the last column of
the effective area correction table. When more than one filter column
is present, the column label must be specified.
- PSF_CORRECTION_IMAGE: name of the correction image
which is necessary
in the PSF correction. In the ROSAT-PSPC case such an image
can be created via the command CREATE/PSF (see section
using the latest models available for the PSPC or HRI PSF.
A standard PSF correction image is also stored in the EXSAS
calibration file EXSAS_CAL:psf_pspc.bdf.
When the PSF correction
is not requested, this parameter must be removed (or commented out)
from the parameter file. PSF correction is applicable only
for point-like sources centered within a circular sky selection.
- LIFE_TIME_CORRECTION_TABLE: correction table containing the
house-keeping data which are necessary for the evaluation of the dead
time. When the dead time correction
is not requested, this parameter must be removed (or commented out)
from the parameter file. This table is normally coming with the
data, in the table eventrates.tbl.
- OUTPUT_CORRECTION_TABLE: in the spectral correction
the name of the output table containing the correction vector can be given.
When the table name is not specified
this parameter must be commented out.
By default, the name would be
the same of the table specified in DATA_TO_BE_CORRECTED, followed by
the 2 characters _c.
In the light curve correction the label of the output column
containing the correction vector can be specified. This column is
created in the same table containing the light curve to
be corrected, which is specified at the entry
DATA_TO_BE_CORRECTED. When the column label is not specified
this parameter must be commented out.
By default the output column takes the name from the label of the column
containing the light curve to be corrected, preceded by the 2 characters
Up: Correction Commands
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