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This command has to be used only for applying the corrections which were not already applied during the Projection run.

The same correction parameter file can be used in order to correct either spectra or light curves. The correction algorithm changes according to the CORRECT command qualifier, either /SPECTRA or /LIGHT_CURVE. The parameter file name containing the correction definitions must be specified. Optionally, specific entries may be added in order to overwrite the values listed in the parameter file. The new parameter values are overwritten temporarily, i.e. they are active only while the specific correction task is running: the parameter file it is not actually modified (in order to change it permanently use the command WRITE/PARFIL, or modify it with an editor). The following options are available:

By a sensible use of this option, it would be in principle possible to run several different correction tasks without ever editing the correction parameter file.

In the spectral correction the off axis histogram is always written to a table named offhis.tbl and the detector histogram to the image dethis.bdf.

In the following examples typical correction commands are shown:

Midas 001> CORRECT/SPECTR parfil DATA=spec_45,:A OUTPUT=corr45_a

Explanation: The correction for a spectrum is run according to the definitions contained in the parameter file parfil.par. The data to be corrected are in the column A of the table spec_45.tbl, and the correction vector will be written to the table corr45_a.tbl.

Midas 002> CORRECT/LIGHT parfil -
           DATA=rate,:SOURCE LIFETIME=eventrates OUTPUT=A_FACTOR

Explanation: Here the same parameter file parfil.par is used in order to correct a light curve. The lifetime correction is included (the necessary house-keeping information is contained in the table eventrates.tbl). The data to be corrected are in table rate.tbl at the column labeled SOURCE. The output correction vector is written to the column A_FACTOR of the same table.

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