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- A dark current CCD exposure with cosmic ray events which
are removed with non--linear filters.
(A) original, (B) 5*5 median filter, (C) 5*1 median filter,
and (D) 5*1 recursive filter.
- Removal of cosmic ray events on a CCD spectral exposure with
different techniques: (A) original, (B)
median filter,
recursive filter and (D) stack comparison.
- Removal of artifacts on CCD exposures (A,B,C) of the galaxy
A0526--16 by stacking the frames yielding the combined image (D).
- A density--intensity transformation curve for a photographic
emulsion using normal densities (A) and Backer densities (B).
- A dispersion curve (A) for an IDS spectrum with the linear
term omitted. The spectrum rebinned to wavelength is shown
with (B1) and without the Jacobian determinant correction (B2).
- Different digital filters applied on a CCD image: (A) original,
(B) block filter, (C) smooth filter, and (D) Laplacian filter.
- Removal of stars from a CCD frame of Comet Halley: (A) original,
median filter, (C)
recursive filter,
and (D) both recursive
filter and a
median filter.
- Background fitting with an iterative
(A) original, (B) mask of included areas, and (C) fitted background.
- The radial profile of an elliptical galaxy shown with linear
steps (A) and rebinned to
increments (B).
- Azimuthal profile in the inner parts of a spiral galaxy A0526--16
across the spiral arms (A). The amplitude of the Fourier
transform (B) of this profile shows the strong even frequencies.
- Deconvolution a photographic image with the Lucy method:
(A) original and (B) restored image after 3 iterations.
- Two normalized early type spectra used as template (A1) and
object (A2) yield the cross--correlation function (B).
- Correlation between two measures of the inclination angle of
galaxies: (A) with angle i as variable, and (B) with
- Romafot reduction scheme
- Romafot procedure to determine accuracy and degree of completeness
- Romafot procedure to transfer inputs to other program frames
- Echelle Reduction Scheme
- Images BARS, OFFBARS, BARS30 and BARS60.
- Images RINGS and OFFRINGS.
- Plot of sky brightness as a function of time
- Schematic flowchart for reductions
- Sample drift plot
- Morlet's wavelet: real part at left and imaginary part at right.
- Mexican Hat
- The filter bank associated with the multiresolution
- Wavelet transform representation of an image
- linear interpolation
- Wavelet
- Passage from
, and from
- Passage from
- Pyramidal Structure
- Galaxy NGC2297
- Superposition of all the scales. This image is obtained by the command
- Superposition of all the scales. Each scale is plotted in a 3
dimensional representation. This image is obtained by the command
- Synthesis image (command visual/synt). Each scale is binarized, and
represented by one gray level.
- One contour per scale is plotted (command visual/cont).
- Superposition of all the scales. This image is obtained by the command
- Superposition of all the scales. Each scale is plotted in a 3 dim.
representation. This image is obtained by the command visual/pers.
- Synthesis image (command visual/synt).
- Synthesis image (command visual/synt). Each scale is normalized.
- Correlation.
- Signal to noise ratio.
- Trend analysis of the detector mean temperature with Modified Julian Date
- Association of DARK exposures with scientific frames
- Association of FF exposures with scientific frames
- Response/Echelle
- Reduce/Echelle (1)
- Reduce/Echelle (2)
- Main window of the GUI XEchelle
- Sky Background window
- Main window of the GUI XLong
- Panels for Open and Save As... options of the menu File
- Search Window
- Lines Identification Window
- Wavelength Calibration window
- Resampling Window
- Spectrum Extraction window
- Flux Calibration window
- Batch Reduction window
- IR Data Reduction
Rein Warmels
Mon Jan 22 15:08:15 MET 1996