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The wavelet coefficients can be represented in several ways.
Five visualisation tools are available in MIDAS.
- Through the command visual/plan, a window is created for each
The user can select one window and do all the operations available in
MIDAS for an image.
- All the scales can be plotted in a
unique window. Figure
, obtained by the command
visual/cube, shows the superposition of the scales in a window.
- In figure
, each scale is plotted
in a 3 dimensional representation (command visual/pers).
- In figure
, each scale is binarized and
represented by gray level (command visual/synt).
- In figure
, one contour per scale is plotted (command
Figure: Superposition of all the scales. This image is obtained by the command
Figure: Superposition of all the scales. Each scale is plotted in a 3
dimensional representation. This image is obtained by the command
Figure: Synthesis image (command visual/synt). Each scale is binarized, and
represented by one gray level.
Figure: One contour per scale is plotted (command visual/cont).
Rein Warmels
Mon Jan 22 15:08:15 MET 1996