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The association process creates an output table that contains the following columns:
- A character column labeled :SCI containing the names of the scientific
frames. These names are extracted from the column :FILENAME of the OST
- A character column labeled `exptype' (i.e DARK, FF, etc) containing the
names of the associated exposures
- An integer column QUAL_`exptype' (i.e QUAL_DARK, QUAL_FF, etc) containing
for each associated frame its quality flag. The calibration matching the
``first choice" set of criteria get a quality of 1 while the exposures
matching only the ``second choice" set of criteria get a quality of 2.
The commands :
ASSOCIATE/IMA susi_ost bias bias_rule susi_asso C 2
ASSOCIATE/IMA susi_ost ff ff_rule susi_asso A 2
associates with each scientific frame two dark exposures by applying the rules
stored in the table bias_rule, two flat field by applying the rules stored in the table
ff_rule and stores the result in the table susi_asso
Table: Table of Associated Exposures
Figure: Association of DARK exposures with scientific frames
Figure: Association of FF exposures with scientific frames
Rein Warmels
Mon Jan 22 15:08:15 MET 1996