VISUAL/PERS Wavelet [out_file] [Disp] [Visu_Mode] [Incr] [Thres] [Display]
Visualizes the wavelet transform of an image in perspective. A file
is created and loaded in the window if the parameter Display
equal to Y (Y by default) ( figures and
). The default name of the output file is
file_visu.bdf. The image is loaded in the window number Disp
(default is 1). Visu_Mode can take the value CO or BW (color
or black and white). Incr is a parameter which defines the
number of lines of the image used. If Incr = 3, only on line on
3 are used (default value is 1). Threshold is a parameter which
defines the maximum value which is taken into account. All the values
superior to this maximum are set to the maximum. The maximum value
at the scale j is:
The default value is 5.