For overplotting of text one can use the command LABEL/GRAPHIC
. The text will be plotted in
the font style set with the FONT keyword in the SET/GRAPHIC
command. E.g. with LABEL/GRAPHIC and running in FONT=1
text will be generated in the roman font type.
LABEL/GRAPHIC make use of the built-in features of AGL. These features
allow to change font, draw subscripts and superscripts, scale the text
size, or draw various symbols, all within the text string.
All these possibility become available by including metacharacters in the
text string. Currently, AGL knows the metacharacter set listed in
Table .
Table: Meta Character in AGL and MIDAS
The character `~
' can also be used instead of `' as
metacharacter flag. The `
' is more suited to C programs where
'' has a special meaning.
All selections made by metacharacters are valid from the point in the
string where they are defined up either to the end of current group (the
part of the string enclosed in
}) or to the
end of the string. If the metacharacter sequence is more than one character
long (escape not included, of course), it must be followed by a blank space.
LABEL/GRAP "e\{\!u(x\{\!u2\}+y\{\!u2\})\}= - (\alpha +\beta ) sin\{\!u2\}\theta "This command will produce the label
MIDAS/AGL also interprets a set of `TeX-like' keywords as listed in
table . Due to the fact that most of them represent
special characters and symbols to be printed, only the names are listed;
the symbols can only be seen by LABEL/GRAPHIC or the command
Besides overplotting of text strings, the user can also overplot lines (up to six different line types, depending on the device), and symbols (more than twenty). Depending on the device, up to four different line widths can be used. The selection of line properties and of symbol type can be done with SET/GRAPH, or, at least for line and symbol type, on the command line.
Table: TeX-like Characters for text strings in MIDAS Graphics
The command OVERPLOT/LINE offers the possibility to overplot a line. Similarly, OVERPLOT/SYMBOL overplots symbols. Both commands can be used interactively using the graphics cursor, or by giving the coordinates on the command line. Grid lines, connecting the major and/or minor tick marks can be drawn with the command OVERPLOT/GRID .