Astr 517 .... Course Info

Homework 1
BD+28-4211-oke.dta , hw1_fil.dta , sdsu-qe.dta , window.dta
Due: 15/11/2015
Homework 2 ...... (Solution) Due: 29/11/2015
Midterm I:
Choose one of the TFOSC long slit spectra, obtain normalized flux and
identify all spectral lines.
Calculate equivalent widths of the HAlpha line and the others.
(Use sample data provided *)
Due: 13/12/2015
Lecture notes High Energy Astrophysics by Altan Baykal
ROTSE workshop 2002
Learning Center for X-Ray Telescopes and Detectors
All High Energy Missions (Alphabetical)
Recent X and Gamma Ray Observatories (operational and ready to go)
E. Kalemci / NASA
Homework 3
A series of CCD images for GRB 020813 is given. Apply standart fotometric reduction and identify the afterglow. You will need to co-add frames. Use PSF fotometry to determine instrumental magnitude. Also determine the brightness using USNO standart stars. (Use sample data provided *)
Due: 27/12/2015
Exercise ( A ROSAT application )
absnh.f , datain.f, drma.f , drm1.dta , drm2.dta , drm3.dta , effar.dta , drmch.dta , boron.dta
Midterm II:
40-50 minute Talks On current missions; Instruments, Science and Impacts
Cigdem Gamsizkan SWIFT - Gamma-Ray Burst Mission
Danjela Cerri FERMI (GLAST) - Gamma-ray Space Telescope Armin Nabizadeh AGILE - Astrorivelatore Gamma a Immagini LEggero
Nasrin Talebpour Sheshivan SDO - Solar Dynamics Observatory

Due: 23,24/12/2015 - 6,7/01/2016
Final: Due: 20/01/2016
Please submit by e-mail to umk @ account

* Sample Data for CCD observations : astroa : /gdata/astr517/sample_data/
Calibration Data for CCDs : Imaging CCD (SDSU) & TFOSC CCD

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Umit Kiziloglu,Last Modified: Sep, 2015