Dual Etalon Fabry-Perot Optical Spectrometer

GENERAL Apr 2002

The TUG H-Alpha Spectrometer has been designed to produce a partial survey of H-Alpha emission from the interstellar medium (ISM) and selected regions of the northern sky. The instrument is designed to be used in coude focal system of 1.5 m telescope (RTT150) located at Bakirlitepe, Antalya. A dual-etalon 7.5 cm Fabry-Perot spectrometer in its primary spectral mode, will sample sky with 4 minutes of arc resolution. Spectral resolution of the spectrometer is around 20 km.

The instrument is produced with the collaboration of Cukurova University Physics Dept., ADANA, METU Physics Dept./ Astrophysics Group, ANKARA, Sabanci University/ Astrophysics and Space Program, ISTANBUL and Turkish National Observatory ( TUG) of Turkish Scientific and Research Council ( TUBITAK).

SCIENCE Nov 2002

Calibration and First Light:



Basic optical system is composed of dual pressure chambers with 7.5 cm Fabry-Perot Etalons. Above the chambers there is a H-Alpha filter to limit bandwidth to desired values. Below there is a camera lens and CCD imager.

Mechanical layout of the spectrometer includes two pressure chambers, filter and camera lens housings above a stable frame. CCD camera dewar goes under the chambers. There are vacuum and pressure tight windows between the sides of the chambers on the optical path.

CONTACT Apr 2002

Umit Kiziloglu METU (90) 312 210 3275 umk@astroa.physics.metu.edu.tr
Ilhami Yegingil CU (90) 322 338 6084/2480 ilhami@cu.edu.tr

LINKS Apr 2002
DEFPOS-Local Local info (passwd required)
TUG Turkish National Observatory Site, ANTALYA
TUG-Local Site Info BAKIRLITEPE (Turkish)
WHAM Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper

Umit Kiziloglu, Nov, 2002