These asymmetrical mountings suffer different obscurations and mechanical limits when the telescope is east of the pier and west of the pier, so it is necessary to have a double-sized table. Each half of the table corresponds to the whole of a fork-mount table, but for a particular side of the pier. Therefore, you should read the detailed description in the previous section, for MOUNTING='FORK', before gathering the data for a German equatorial. It will probably be most convenient to gather all the data for the ``telescope east of pier'' position, and then all those for ``telescope west''.
The column labels are the same as for the fork mount, but prefixed by TE for telescope east of the pier, and TW for telescope west; see Tables I.6 and I.7.
Table I.6 shows the table layout for German equatorials. Each column is described in detail below; see Table I.7. See section I.4.3 on fork-mounts for more detailed discussions of the quantities in the table, as the entries are basically the same for both types of mounting.