Next: Photometry of the Other
Up: Registration of the Results
Previous: Registration of the Results
int_tab reg_tab [wnd_opt] [obj_opt]
This command creates a table with the results of the analysis.
However, all the photometric information obtained from the frame as
the absolute quantities (magnitudes, colour equations etc.) still
have to be derived. In this output table every object occupies one
row and the data are stored according the Table 5.2.
Table 5.2:
Romafot Registration Table
Column |
Name |
Description |
#1 |
Identification |
#2 |
:X |
Physical X-coordinate |
#3 |
:Y |
Physical Y-coordinate |
#4 |
:INT |
central pixel intensity resulted from the fit |
#5 |
Local sky background; see text |
#6 |
:MAG1 |
Aperture magnitude no.1; see text |
#7 |
:MAG2 |
Aperture magnitude no.2; see text |
#8 |
:MAG3 |
Aperture magnitude no.3; see text |
#9 |
Instrumental magnitude; see text |
#10 |
Sigma of fit function (if not fixed by the user) |
#11 |
Parameter of the Moffat fit function |
#12 |
:SIQ |
Semi interquartle resulting from the fit |
#13 |
resulting from the fit |
The magnitudes MAG1, MAG2 and MAG3 (e.g. U, B and V) are accepted by
and are necessary for calibration. In case of program stars (search
made with SEARCH/ROMAFOT), these columns are filled with zeros.
The instrumental magnitude MAG_CNV is calculated as
where VOL is the integral over the elementary surface to fit the
star, calculated from
In case of linear data
this is expected to differ from the magnitude by a constant.
Next: Photometry of the Other
Up: Registration of the Results
Previous: Registration of the Results
Petra Nass