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Displaying Tables

Both the table parameters and the elements values can be displayed. The former are shown using the SHOW command Table values are listed out by the PRINT and READ commands, the output formatting being done using the display format associated with each column. Supported formats are Fortran-77 standard formats and special display formats to accommodate sexagesimal and time values. Finally table values can be plotted on a graphic device or display unit using the PLOT or OVERPLOT and LOAD command respectively. A list of these commands is given in Table 5.3.

Table 5.3: Commands to Display a Table
Command Description
SHOW/TABLE Show table characteristics
PRINT/TABLE Print elements in table
READ/TABLE Read elements in table and display them on the terminal
PLOT/TABLE Plot table elements on graphic device
OVER/TABLE Plot table elements on top of a previous plot on the graphic device
LOAD/TABLE Load table elements on the overlay plane of the display

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Petra Nass