Note default values for any parameters, input data, etc. are given in ( bold font).
Before you start the MOS context you should have done the following preparations:
For the averaging of the frames you may want to use the command
The initialization of the keywords to their default values is done by
If you saved the results of an earlier reduction session with
SAVE/MOS session
you can now initialize these parameters again with
INIT/MOS session
Most of the numerical parameters are normally set to ``sensible'' values
(which only
means that they looked reasonable to the people who wrote this context),
but the keywords for object (), wavelength calibration (
and flat field frames (
) are empty since there are no sensible
defaults for these data. This holds also true for other keywords, which are
normally filled either from the headers of your object (etc.) frames
or with the results of MOS commands. Thus for the very first try you should
just fill in the three keywords mentioned above and continue (example see
SET/MOS object=fors0001
SET/MOS wlc=fors0002
SET/MOS flat=ffmos1
If you want to make sure that the setups of your files are all the same use the command CHECK/MOS. By default it will check the FORS keywords for
If your data were not produced by FORS you may give the FITS keywords that
should be compared in an ASCII file. The use is then
Now you may start the real business!