plots the central row of the comparison spectrum and adds
the line identifications obtained. This plot can be used for coarse
consistency checks. A hardcopy may be handy for future, similar work.
displays the residuals (column :RESIDUAL in table line.tbl) as
a function of wavelength. This command is used to judge the quality of
the calibration.
Midas...> PLOT/DELTA
plots the dispersion relation and the residual value as
a function of the wavelength. Note that PLOT/RESIDUAL
and PLOT/DELTA display the rms
of the residuals. It is also possible to display, for all rows,
the residuals for a given line of wavelength ``wavelength'' with:
Midas...> PLOT/DISTORTION ``wavelength''
The wavelength value must correspond to a value from the catalog
. The residuals are plotted in the graphic window
with a scale such that the full extent of the graph corresponds
to one pixel of the spectrum.