The keywords contain all necessary parameters (see Chapter 6, Sect. 1.9 of the Vol. B for a complete list). SET/CONTEXT long will set all relevant keywords to their default values. To override the defaults, three possibilities exist:
Note that adding some blanks at the end of a string to be entered into a character-type keyword may be a good idea in case the previous contents was a longer character string. Also it is mandatory to leave at least one blank on each side of the equal sign (=).
is equivalent to the two commands above. It can be noted that no blanks are necessary at the end of the strings and that spaces before or after the assignment symbol (=) can be freely added or removed. Keyword names can also be truncated to their shortest significant part.
where session is the name of a table
created at the end of a previous session
by the command:
Midas...> SAVE/LONG session
Generally, if parameters required for commands of the long slit package are
omitted, their values will be taken from the associated keywords.
Also, if a value is provided on-line to a command, it will change the value
of the corresponding keyword. To display the current keyword values, type:
Midas...> SHOW/LONG
Since there is an important number of keywords involved in the package,
the command SHOW/LONG is organized in sections, e.g.:
Midas...> SHOW/LONG g for general formats information
Midas...> SHOW/LONG d for dark, bias and flat-field corrections
Midas...> SHOW/LONG w for wavelength calibration keywords
Midas...> SHOW/LONG r for resampling keywords
Midas...> SHOW/LONG e for extraction keywords
Midas...> SHOW/LONG f for flux calibration keywords
Information can also be obtained on the keywords with HELP/LONG, as in:
Midas...> HELP/LONG wlcmtd
which provides the type, default value, description and current value of the
keyword . A list of keywords and command names of the
context Long is provided in Chapter 6 of the Volume B (Sect. 1.8 and 1.9).