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MIDAS table files are used to store relevant information in tabular
form. Four types of tables are considered. The first two, tables
order.tbl and line.tbl, are operational tables generated by the user
during the session. The other two types of tables are provided by the
system to calibrate the data in wavelength and flux.
- order.tbl --- Contains
echelle orders.
This table contains the coefficients
stored as descriptors.
The table is created by the command DEFINE/ECHELLE or DEFINE/HOUGH
- back.tbl --- Contains information related to the background
reference positions. This table is created by the command PREPARE/BACKGROUND
which is called by DEFINE/ECHELLE and DEFINE/HOUGH.
- line.tbl --- Contains information related to the position of the
calibration lines.
This table contains the dispersion coefficients for each spectral order,
stored as descriptors after the line identification process. It is
generated by the command SEARCH/ECHELLE and extended and updated by
- Line Catalogue
- --- Contains the wavelength calibration lines.
There are several
line catalogues available in instrument related system area, like
- Standard Stars
- --- Contains the fluxes of standard stars in different
These tables are copied
automatically from the area MID_STANDARD into
the user work space with the command SET/ECHELLE FLUXTAB=name
Table: Auxiliary Tables
Rein Warmels
Mon Jan 22 15:08:15 MET 1996