Prof. Dr Hakkı Boran Ögelman'ın Tez Öğrencileri Ümit Kızıloğlu, Sep, 2011
Middle East Technical University Physics Department Özel, M. Emin
MSc ThesisTitle: "A cosmic-ray particle density detector for measuring ultra-high energy gamma rays correlated with possible supernovae bursts."
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Ankara, 1972. Kızıloğlu, Ümit.
MSc ThesisTitle:"An automated atmospheric fluerescence detector for pulses of supernova origin."
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Ankara, 1972. Çokesen, Mehmet F.
MSc ThesisTitle:"Application of the Monte Carlo method to SAS-B cosmic gamma-ray telescope."
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Ankara, 1972. Özbakan, Mustafa.
MSc ThesisTitle:"Calibration and preliminary results from the radiocarbon dating system of M.E.T.U. physics department."
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Ankara, 1973. Aydodu, Mehmet.
MSc ThesisTitle:"Correlation of short-time scale atmospheric luminescence at low geomagnetic lattitudes with solar and geomagnetic activity."
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Ankara, 1973. Kızıloğlu, Nilgün.
MSc ThesisTitle:"Daytime sodium absorption measurements in the upper atmosphere."
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Ankara, 1977. Özel, M. Emin.
PhD ThesisTitle:"Satellite observations of diffuse cosmic gamma rays above 35 MEV."
Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Ankara, 1977. Kızıloğlu, Ümit.
PhD ThesisTitle:"An automated photomultiplier system for detecting atmospheric scintillation pulses of cosmic origin."
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Ankara, 1978. Yeğingil, İlhami.
PhD ThesisTitle:"Investigation of atomic sodium in the upper atmosphere using o poly etalon pressure swept interferometric optical spectrometer."
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Ankara, 1978. Ayaslı, Serpil.
PhD ThesisTitle:"Production of gamma rays in pulsars."
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman, CoS: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Avadis Hacınlıyan.Ankara, 1978. Ecevit, Ahmet.
PhD ThesisTitle:"A linear parabolic solar energy collector."
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Ankara, 1979. Özbakan, Mustafa.
PhD ThesisTitle:"Carbon-14 measurements of dendrochronolog-ically dated wood samples from the Anatolian Plateau."
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Ankara, 1982. Çukurova University Physics Department Ziya Gökalp Altun
MSc ThesisTitle:"Çukurova Koşullarında Edilgen Güneşevi Denemesi ve Parametrelerinin Tayini "
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Adana, 1982. Vedat Peştemalcı
MSc ThesisTitle:"Çeşitli bitkilerin değişik dalgaboylarında yansıma değerlerinin belirlenmesi "
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Adana, 1982. Hikmet Maraşlı
MSc ThesisTitle:"Çukurova bölgesi iklim şartlarında edilgen güneş evinin incelenmesi "
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman, CoS:Prof. Dr. İlhami Yeğingil.Adana, 1984. Nuri Emrahoğlu
MSc ThesisTitle:"1978-1982 yılları arasında Adana'da ölçülen güneş ışınım verilerinin analizi "
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman, CoS:Prof. Dr. İlhami Yeğingil.Adana, 1985. University of Wisconsin Madison Physics Department Samar Safi-Harb
PhD ThesisTitle:"X-ray Emission from Composite Supernova Remnants "
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Wisconsin, 1997. Craig Markwardt,
PhD ThesisTitle:"Pulsar nebula interactions around the Vela SNR"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Wisconsin, 1997. Chris Greiveldinger,
PhD ThesisTitle:"X-ray Emission from Isolated Neutron Stars"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Wisconsin, 1997. Sölen Balman,
PhD ThesisTitle:"The X-ray Emission of N Cyg 1992 and Other Post-Outburst Novae"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Wisconsin, 1997. Tomoiuki Narita,
PhD ThesisTitle:"A Multi-wavelength Search for the Pulsar in SN 1987 a"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Wisconsin, 1997. Emre Tepedelenlioğlu,
PhD ThesisTitle:"X-ray observations of rotation powered pulsars."
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hakkı B. Ögelman.Wisconsin, 2006.