Messier 8, The Lagoon Nebula, in the Infrared

Messier 8, The Lagoon Nebula, in the Infrared
From the 2Mass Image Gallery
The red emission in the optical image of Messier 8, The Lagoon Nebula. is from hydrogen, after recombination, in this famous H II region. Note the absence of the nebular hydrogen emission in the 2MASS image. The Hourglass Nebula is clearly visible, near the center of the optical nebulosity of the Lagoon, at a distance of about 1.5 kpc along the Sagittarius/Carina arm of the Galaxy. The Hourglass itself is mainly ionized by the O7V star Herschel 36; the more extended nebulosity is ionized by the O stars HD 165052 and 9 Sgr. Numerous compact infrared sources are along the line of sight to the core of the Hourglass. A lack of near-IR H2 emission indicates that molecular outflow activity is much less prominent than in many active star-forming regions. Image mosaic by E. Kopan (IPAC).

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