m95.gif M 95

Spiral Galaxy M95 (NGC 3351)

Although it was written that M95 was one of the galaxies in the key project of the Hubble Space Telescope for the determination of the Hubble constant, i.e. there should be a project to find Cepheid variables and thereby determine this galaxy's distance, the present author is not aware of any published results from this project. However, as a member of the Leo I or M96 group, M95 should be about 38 million light years distant, which is the distance Nial R. Tanvir has determined for M96. It is a barred spiral of type SBb, or SB(r)ab according to de Vaucouleurs' classification, with nearly circular arms. Alan Sandage, in the Hubble Atlas of Galaxies, calls it a "typical ringed galaxy".

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Right ascension 10 : 41.3 (hours : minutes)
Declination +11 : 58 (degrees : minutes)
Distance 25000.0 (light-years*10^3)
Visual magnitude 10.4

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