m91.gif M 91

Spiral Galaxy M91 (NGC 4548)

For a long time, M91 was a missing Messier object, as Messier had determined its position from M89 while he thought it was from M58, as the Texas amateur W.C. Williams has figured out in 1969. Previously, opinions have been around that M91 had either been a comet which the great comet hunter Messier mistook for a nebula, and Owen Gingerich had suspected that it had been a duplicate observation of M58. William Herschel had not found M91 at Messier's erroneous position and suspected that it might have been NGC 4571, a beautiful but faint 11.3 mag barred spiral (NGC 4571 came into discussion in summer 1994 when a CFHT group used observations of 3 Cepheids in this galaxy for a determination of the Hubble constant).

The barred spiral galaxy M91 is a conspicuous member of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies. It is of type SBb and its bar is very conspicuous, lying at PA 65/245. Suggestions of this bar may be seen at medium power even in smaller telescopes, if the viewing conditions are good enough to see the galaxy at all. As its recession velocity is only about 400 km/sec, it has a considerable peculiar velocity toward us through the Virgo cluster, about 700 km/sec, as the cluster's recession velocity is about 1100 km/sec.

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Right ascension 12 : 32.9 (hours : minutes)
Declination +14 : 46 (degrees : minutes)
Distance 40000.0 (light-years*10^3)
Visual magnitude 9.5

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