m82.gif M 82

Irregular Galaxy M82 (NGC 3034) in Ursa Major

Forming a most conspicuous physical pair with its neighbor, M81 (THE showpiece galaxies for many Northern hemispherers), this galaxy is the prototype of an irregular of the second type, i.e. a "disk" irregular. Its core seems to have suffered dramatically from a semi-recent close encounter, being in a heavy starburst and displaying conspicuous dark lanes. This turbulent explosive gas flow is also a strong source of radio noise. The visual appearance is that of a silvery sliver, as John Mallas decribed it.

As a member of the M81 group, M82 is 11 million light years distant.

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Right ascension 09 : 51.9 (hours : minutes)
Declination +69 : 56 (degrees : minutes)
Distance 7000.0 (light-years*10^3)
Visual magnitude 8.8

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