Geographic latitude : 39°50'37" N
Geographic longitude: 02h11m07s E
Height above see level: 1256.69m.

Ankara University Observatory is a typical small type university observatory and was founded by Prof. E.A.KREIKEN. The observatory was built on a prehistoric site, AHLATLIBEL, a flat ridge on the Anatolian plateau, bordered by an ancient road, at a distance of about 18 kilometers from the city of Ankara. The Observatory was officially opened on August 26th, 1963 with a scientific meeting on "The Structure of Stellar Systems", sponsored by NATO and ARGE and organised by Prof. E.A. Kreiken.

The Ankara University Observatory, connected with the Science Faculty of Ankara University, became an independent research institute in 1964. The Ankara University Observatory, changed it's administrative shape in Sept 1994 and become one a Research and Application Center of the Ankara University.

All together 250 publications were based on the observations carried out at observatory since its foundation (see the list in Obs&Publ section)