Silicon X-ray Array

Detector array
SIXA is a multielement X-ray photon counting spectrometer. It
consists of 19 discrete hexagonally arranged circular elements
with a centreline distance of 12 mm . The detector
material is lithium-drifted silicon (Si(Li)). Silicon wafers
of 3 mm thickness are used for the fabrication of the detector.
A radiative cooler is used to bring the detector to the proper
operating temperature (120-130 K), and aluminium coated polyimide
windows are used to filter out IR/visible/UV light. Table 1 gives
a summary of the properties of SIXA.
- Geometry
- Responce
- MM plus SIXA Effective Area
Table 1: SIXA detector parameters
- Diameter of active area = 6 cm
- Field of view = 25 arc min
- Number of pixels = 19
- Total/active pixel diameter = 12/9.25 mm (5.16/3.97 arc min)
- Number of energy channels = 1024
- Width of each channel = 20 eV
- Effective energy range = 0.5-20 keV
- Depletion depth = 3 mm
- Energy resolution (FWHM) = 200 eV at 6 keV
- Time resolution = 30.5 microsec (TIM mode: 12.21 microsec)
- Operating temperature = 120-130 K