FUVITA will for the first time image the FUV sky at a 10 arcsec level over a 1.2 degree field-of-view with a limiting sensitivity of mv = 15 magn. for B0 stars. The orbit provided by SRG will allow for long, uninterupted observations of up to 100 ksec and thus enable us to study the time variability of faint objects. The density of FUV sources will guarantee to observe objects for any pointing so that FUVITA will always gather data also as a secondary instrument. This means that FUVITA observations will be part of a multiwavelength study for wavelengths between about 0.012 nm and 300 nm (or 4 eV and 100 keV).
Within the FUVITA collaboration the Astrophysics Group of the
Paul Scherrer Institute provides the central detectors with front-end
processor and 32 Mbyte memory. In 1995 the two flight-model (FM1, FM2)
and one spare-model (PFM) detectors were fully tested and calibrated at
the Space Science Laboratories at Berkeley.