show: output current program state
List selected information to the user's terminal (and the log file, if open).
Syntax: show [<selection>]
where <selection> is a key word to select the information to be printed. If omitted, it is the information last asked for. Initially, the default selection is all. (Note: to better integrate the usage of OGIP type-II files, much of the information given by “show files” in previous versions is now displayed by “show data.”)
Selections are:
XSPEC12> show abund
//show current solar abundance table
XSPEC12> show all
//All the information
XSPEC12> show allfile
// All file information = files + noticed + rates
XSPEC12> show control
// XSPEC control information
XSPEC12> show data
// File names, associated coefficients, and net count rates,
// displayed in order of spectrum number. For higher chatter,
// also displays grouping map.
XSPEC12> show free
// Free parameters
XSPEC12> show files
// Equivalent to “show data” but displayed in order of file name.
XSPEC12> show fit
//Fit information
XSPEC12> show model
//The model specification
XSPEC12> show noticed
//Channel ranges noticed for each file.
XSPEC12> show parameters
//Current model parameter values
XSPEC12> show parameters <n>
//Current settings for the <n>th model parameter.
XSPEC12> show pha
// Current data, error and model values for each channel.
XSPEC12> show plot
//Current plot settings from setplot command, includes rebinning info.
XSPEC12> show rates
//Folded model, correction rates for each file.
XSPEC12> show response
//show responses loaded
XSPEC12> show xsect
//show description of cross-section table