pshock, vpshock: plane-parallel shocked plasma, constant temperature
Constant temperature, plane-parallel shock plasma model. The references for this model can be found under the description of the equil model. Several versions are available. To switch between them use the xset neivers command. xset neivers 1.0 gives the version from xspec v11.1, xset neivers 1.1 uses updated calculations of ionization fractions using dielectronic recombination rates from Mazzotta et al (1988), and xset neivers 2.0 uses the same ionization fractions as 1.1 but uses APED to calculate the resulting spectrum. Note that versions 1.x have no emission from Ar. The default is version 1.1. ]
The pshock version has abundances given by the Anders & Grevesse (1993) mixture, while the vpshock variant allows the user to set the abundance vector.
Parameters for the pshock version are:
par1 |
plasma temperature (keV) |
par2 |
Metal abundances (He fixed at cosmic). The elements included are C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. |
par3 |
Lower limit on ionization timescale in units of s cm–3. |
par4 |
Upper limit on ionization timescale in units of s cm–3. |
par5 |
redshift z |
norm |
Parameters for vpshock are:
par1 |
plasma temperature (keV) |
par2 |
H density in cm-3 |
par3-par14 |
Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt the solar as given by the Anders & Grevesse mixture. |
par15 |
Lower limit on ionization timescale in units of s cm–3. |
par16 |
Upper limit on ionization timescale in units of s cm–3. |
par17 |
redshift z |
norm |