cemekl, cevmkl: plasma emission, multi-temperature using mekal
A multi-temperature plasma emission model built from the mekal code. Emission measures follow a power-law in temperature (i.e. emission measure from temperature T is proportional to (T/Tmax)a. The switch parameter determines whether the mekal code will be run to calculate the model spectrum for each temperature or whether the model spectrum will be interpolated from a pre-calculated table. The former is slower but more accurate.
For the cemekl version, the abundance ratios are set by the abund command. The cevmkl variant allows the user to define the abundances.
The parameters for cemekl are:
par1=a |
index for power-law emissivity function |
par2=Tmax |
maximum temperature |
par3 |
nH (cm-3) |
par4 |
abundance relative to solar |
par5 |
redshift z |
par6 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
norm |
Normalization |
For the cevmkl variant the parameters are:
par1 |
index for power-law emissivity function |
par2 |
maximum temperature |
par3 |
nH (cm-3) |
par4-17 |
abundance relative to solar Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S,Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt Solar (defined by the abund command) |
par18 |
redshift z |
par19 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
norm |
Normalization |