A number of statistical variables (and errors if appropriate) associated with each interval (or frame) for each time series are calculated and stored as FITS keywords in the output file:
* `AVRGE_n ` - Average count/s in frame (in a frame this is the average of the averages in intervals) * `AVRGE_En ` - Error in average * `FREXP_n ` - Fractional exposure in frame (from average of fractional exposures in intervals, the latter is the ratio of good newbins to the total number of expected newbins/interval) * `FREXP_En ` - Error in fractional exposure * `VAROB_n ` - Variance in frame (average of variances in intervals) * `VAROB_En ` - Error in variance * `VAREX_n ` - Expected variance in frame (average of the expected variances in intervals, the latter is calculated from the error bars of the newbins * `VAREX_En ` - Error in expected variance * `THRDM_n ` - Third moment in frame (average of 3rd moments in intervals) * `MININ_n ` - Minimum count/s in frame * `MAXIN_n ` - Maximum count/s in frame * `EXVAR_n ` - Excess variance in frame (average of excess variances in intervals, the latter is calculated as variance-expected variance) * `CHI2_n ` - Chi-square in frame (average of chi-squares in intervals) * `CHI2_En ` - Error in chi-square * `RMS_n ` - RMS fractional variation in frame (average of RMS fractional variation in intervals, the latter is calculated as the square-root of the excess variance divided by the average. * `RMS_En ` - Error in RMS
The standard output FITS files for XRONOS tasks (outfiletype=2) contain the following columns of data, documented using the form:
taskname (file extension)
* `COLUMN ` - column description
autocor (.fac)
* `DELAY ` - Time delay * `XAX_E ` - Half-width of time delay bin * `AUTO_CORR ` - Auto correlation * `ERROR ` - Error in auto correlation
crosscor (.fcc)
* `DELAY ` - Time delay * `XAX_E ` - Half-width of time delay bin * `CROSS_CORR` - Cross correlation * `ERROR ` - Error in cross correlation
efold (.fef)
* `PHASE ` - Phase * `XAX_E ` - Half-width of phase bin * `RATEn ` - Cnts/sec for series n * `ERRORn ` - Error in rate of series nIf efold is given 2 series, additional columns are written:
* `RATIO_12 ` - Ratio of ser2/ser1 * `RAT_E12 ` - Error in ratio of ser2/ser1 * `SUM12 ` - Sum of all (ser1+ser2) * `SUM_E ` - Error in sumIf efold is given 3 series, additional columns are written:
* `RATIO_12 ` - Ratio of ser2/ser1 * `RAT_E12 ` - Error in ratio of ser2/ser1 * `RATIO_23 ` - Ratio of ser3/ser2 * `RAT_E23 ` - Error in ratio of ser3/ser2 * `SUM123 ` - Sum of all (ser1+ser2+ser3) * `SUM_E ` - Error in sumIf efold is given 4 series, additional columns are written:
* `RATIO_12 ` - Ratio of ser2/ser1 * `RAT_E12 ` - Error in ratio of ser2/ser1 * `RATIO_34 ` - Ratio of ser4/ser3 * `RAT_E34 ` - Error in ratio of ser4/ser3 * `SUM1234 ` - Sum of all (ser1+ser2+ser3+ser4) * `SUM_E ` - Error in sum
efsearch (.fes)
* `PERIOD ` - Period * `CHISQRD1 ` - Chi-square * `ERROR ` - Error in chi-square
lcurve (.flc)
* `TIME ` - Phase * `XAX_E ` - Half-width of time bin * `RATEn ` - Cnts/sec for series n * `ERRORn ` - Error in rate of series n * `FRACEXP ` - Fractional exposureIf lcurve is given 2 series, additional columns are written:
* `RATIO_12 ` - Ratio of ser2/ser1 * `RAT_E12 ` - Error in ratio of ser2/ser1 * `SUM12 ` - Sum of all (ser1+ser2) * `SUM_E ` - Error in sumIf lcurve is given 3 series, additional columns are written:
* `RATIO_12 ` - Ratio of ser2/ser1 * `RAT_E12 ` - Error in ratio of ser2/ser1 * `RATIO_23 ` - Ratio of ser3/ser2 * `RAT_E23 ` - Error in ratio of ser3/ser2 * `SUM123 ` - Sum of all (ser1+ser2+ser3) * `SUM_E ` - Error in sumIf lcurve is given 4 series, additional columns are written:
* `RATIO_12 ` - Ratio of ser2/ser1 * `RAT_E12 ` - Error in ratio of ser2/ser1 * `RATIO_34 ` - Ratio of ser4/ser3 * `RAT_E34 ` - Error in ratio of ser4/ser3 * `SUM1234 ` - Sum of all (ser1+ser2+ser3+ser4) * `SUM_E ` - Error in sum
powspec (.fps)
* `FREQUENCY ` - Frequency * `XAX_E ` - Half-width of frequency bin * `POWER ` - Power * `ERROR ` - Error in power * `NUM_POINT ` - Number of power spectrum bins averaged in frequency (as result of rebinning) or in time (as results of averaging intervals in frame).
timeskew (.fts)
* `DELAY ` - Time delay * `XAX_E ` - Half-width of time delay bin * `TIME_SKEW ` - Time skewness * `ERROR ` - Error in time skewness