The following notes are based on information received from Phil Seeger. Please send any suggestions for improvement to Tim Pearson.
Supported system: Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT with
Compaq Visual Fortran 5.0. Information about the compiler can be
found at
Note: The Compaq Visual Fortran driver for Windows uses an extension (quickwin) which prevents the PGPLOT library from being dynamically loadable. So, although PGPLOT itself works, code generated with it cannot be made into a shared-object. Among other things, this means it cannot be used with PGPERL.
The files in the tar archive are organized in a hierarchical directory
structure, with the top level directory called PGPLOT
. You
will need the files from the following directories:
directories can be ignored.
PGPLOT 5.2.0 for Windows95/WindowsNT and either MS PowerStation Fortran 4.0 or DIGITAL Visual Fortran 5.0 P. A. Seeger, December 15, 1997 e-mail: (Based on C. T. Dum, May 1995) The following notes describe the porting of Tim Pearson's PGPLOT 5.1.0 to Microsoft Windows95 (or WindowsNT), using Microsoft PowerStation Fortran 4.0 or DIGITAL Visual Fortran 5.0. This 32-bit operating system is easy to use, but most importantly removes the severe memory restrictions of DOS. The size of applications which can be linked with PGPLOT.LIB is limited only by total physical and virtual memory. The graphics libraries MSFLIB (Microsoft) or DFLIB (Compaq) also include many additional (system) functions known from C. Even for an old-fashioned command-line Fortran programer (like PAS), it is relatively easy to add features like dialog boxes and custom menus. Once PGPLOT.LIB is built, applications are most easily compiled using the Microsoft Developer Studio. The application type must be "QuickWin", or it must be compiled with command line option "/MW". Programs execute in a text window, with the graphical output in up to 8 separate child windows. Cursor functions (including rubber-band modes) are implemented with the mouse. NOTE: applications developed in this Fortran will NOT execute under DOS or Windows 3.x (no, not even with WIN32s). The steps in building PGPLOT.LIB are the following: 1. Download PGPLOT 5.2.0 by your favorite method. I decompressed ver. 5.0.3 on VAX-VMS system, and ver. 5.1.beta from a Unix machine ("uncompress" followed by "tar -xcf"). But I have now acquired WinZip (Nico Mak Computing, Inc., which performs Gunzip and tar in the PC (very good program - I even sent them the $29 fee!). Just make the file name "PGPLOT52.TGZ". 2. Create an appropriate subdirectory structure; e.g. x:\PGPLOT \SRC \SYS_WIN \DRIVERS \FONTS \EXAMPLES where x: is either C: or another hard disk in your system. Extract files from the corresponding subdirectories of the downloaded .TGZ file. Note: The copy of GRFIL.F from the \SRC folder must be omitted in favor of the copy in \SYS_WIN to get an appropriate default directory. (Personal preference note: I also copy \APPLICAT\PLOT10\PLOT10.F into the \SRC subdirectory.) The files in \SYS_WIN should include AAAREAD.ME (this file) AAAREAD.ME2 (information for C programmers) GIDRIV.F (Fortran90 version of GIF driver, without "C" calls) GRDOS.F GREXEC.F GRGFIL.F GRSY00.F (not system dependent) PGBIND.MAK (see AAAREAD.ME2 for discussion) W9DRIV.F (the driver itself, with attached subroutines) The file W9DRIV.F as included is appropriate for Compaq. To convert to Microsoft, replace the fourth line USE DFLIB with USE MSFLIB 3. If you did not use C: in step 2, create a directory C:\PGPLOT and copy RGB.TXT to it. You also need to compile and execute the program PGPACK in subdirectory x:\PGPLOT\FONTS to convert file GRFONT.TXT to GRFONT.DAT, and copy or move GRFONT.DAT to C:\PGPLOT. (Note: PGPACK wants to read GRFONT.TXT from the standard input; if you cannot arrange this, then edit PGPACK.F to open the file explicitly.) The directory containing RGB.TXT and GRFONT.DAT (used at run time) can be elsewhere if identified by environment variable PGPLOT_DIR, or the full [path]filenames can be given in environment variables PGPLOT_RGB and PGPLOT_FONT. 4. In the Developer Studio, in the File/New menu, Create a new Project Workspace of Type "Static Library", Name PGPLOT, Location x:\MSDEV\PROJECTS\ (Microsoft) or x:\Program Files\DevStudio\MyProjects\ (Compaq). Use the Insert/"Files into Project..." or Project/Add to Project/Files... and the search box to associate the following files with the project: x:\PGPLOT\SRC\*.F x:\PGPLOT\SYS_WIN\*.F x:\PGPLOT\DRIVERS\LXDRIV.F,NUDRIV.F,PSDRIV.F (The dependent *.INC files will be included automatically.) NOTE: The following compiler option is required for GIDRIV.F: /assume:byterecl which can be activated in Developer Studio by Project/Settings/Fortran tab category: Fortran Data check: Use Bytes as Units for Unformatted Files 5. Build the project. From the Build menu, choose "Build PGPLOT.LIB". The default compiler options are suitable; in particular, the Debug configuration is not optimized, but the Release configuration uses full optimization. (If the choice of "Release" is not apparent, use Build/Set Active Configuration...) Expect 7 Warning messages with Microsoft, or 2 with Compaq. When both Debug and Release have successfully completed, I like to copy the Release version of the library from x:\MSDEV\PROJECTS\PGPLOT\RELEASE to x:\MSDEV\BIN, or from x:\Program Files\DevStudio\MyProjects\PGPLOT\RELEASE to x:\Program Files\DevStudio\DF\BIN where subsequent applications can find it more easily. 6. Run the examples. In the same Project Workspace, use Insert/ "Project..." to Create a project of Type="QuickWin Application", Name EXAMPLES. Then use Build/"Subprojects..." to specify that PGPLOT is a subproject of EXAMPLES. One at a time, use Insert/ "Files into Project..." to select a file from x:\PGPLOT\EXAMPLES. (The previous file may be deleted from the FileView window when successfully completed.) From the Build menu, choose "Execute EXAMPLES.EXE". The first page of the first test (PGDEMO1.F) should be a parabola. If there is no text on the plot, then you have not successfully created or located the file GRFONT.DAT (see step 3 above). You may delete all of the PGPLOT folders from x:\MSDEV\PROJECTS after successfully testing the library. 7. Drivers for Windows95, PostScript, GIF, LaTeX, and the Null driver have been included. If you add additional drivers (which may require debugging to eliminate perceived syntax errors etc.) to the library, then subroutine GREXEC.F must also be modified to reflect the changes; in particular NDEV must reflect the total number of drivers. The default graphic window size for device type "/W9" is 800*600 with 236 colors (SVGA). The default can be changed by setting an environment variable (either in AUTOEXEC.BAT, or from a command line before starting the application) as follows: SET PGPLOT_VIDEO=VGA (or V), 640 * 480 SVGA (or S), 800 * 600 XGA (or X), 1024 * 768 ZGA (or Z), 1280 * 1024 Modes may also be selected by using alternate device types "/WV", "/WS", "/WX", or "/WZ". Modes exceeding the capability of the Windows screen driver will be reduced to the maximum available. For an example of the 236-color modes, see PGDEMO4. For an example of different resolutions, try using "/WV" for the first window and "/WX" for the second window in PGDEMO13. 8. The cursor is emulated by an interrupt driven mouse routine (see GRW901 in file W9DRIV.F). The cursor moves continuously whenever the window is selected, but the position is not returned to the calling program until a key has been struck, and the character is also returned. Control then returns to the "text" window for any additional input or processing. If you lose track, there is a status message at the bottom of the frame window which tells you which window is waiting for input. The color of the cursor may be dim against some backgrounds (especially green in the default palette), but you can usually see it at the tip of the mouse arrow while you move it around. You might try using PGBAND mode 7 for the cursor to improve visibility. See especially programs PGDEMO5 and PGDEMO6. 9. Plots can be clipped and copied to other applications, such as Word. Unfortunately, black is black and white is white, so printing uses a lot of ink and the white lines tend to disappear. One option is to exchange palette colors 0 and 1 in PGPLOT with CALL PGSCR(0, 1., 1., 1.) !black becomes white CALL PGSCR(1, 0., 0., 0.) !white becomes black before making the version to be printed; another is to cut and paste to a utility (I use Paint-Shop-Pro) in which you can adjust the color palette; and a third way is to specify the "/PS" device and write a file. (Note: this might be a good use for a custom menu entry in your application.) Yet another option is to create a second device window and change the color palette only in that window. (See PGDEMO13 for an example of multiple simultaneous windows.) 10. Finally, this port has been thoroughly tested (starting with earlier versions of PGPLOT, and using the Microsoft compiler), but no responsibility for any damages is accepted (by either [PAS], [CTD], or even [TJP])!