Paradoxically, signal detection is concerned with fitting models to supposedly random series similarly to mathematical proofs by reductio ad absurdum of the antithesis. That is, the hypothesis (antithesis) Ho is made, that the observed series X(o) has properties of a pure noise series, N(o). Then, a model is fitted and series X(m) and X(r) are obtained. If the quality of the model fits to the observations X(o) does not significantly differ from the quality of a fit to pure noise N(o), then Ho is true and we say that X(o) contains no signal but noise. In the opposite case of model fitting X(o) significantly better than N(o), we reject Ho and say that the model signal was detected in X(o). The difference is significant (at some level) if it is not likely (at this level) to occur between two different realizations of the noise N(o).
The quality of the fit is evaluated using a function S of the series X(o), X(m), and X(r). A function of random variables, such as S(X(o)), is a random variable itself and is called a statistic. A random variable S is characterized by its probability distribution function. Following Ho we use the distribution of Sfor pure noise signal N(o), N(m) and N(r), to be denoted pN(S) or simply p(S). Precisely, we shall use the cumulative probability distribution function which for a given critical value of the statistic S=So supplies the probability p(So) for the observed S to fall on one side of the So.
The observed value of the statistic and its probability distribution,
S(X(o)) and p(S) respectively, are used to obtain the
probability p(S(X)) of Ho being true. That is, if p turns out
small, ,
Ho is improbable and X(o) has no properties
of N(o). Then we say that the model signal has been detected at
the confidence level
The smaller
is, the more
convincing (significant) is the detection. The special realization of
a random series which consists of independent variables of common
(gaussian) distribution is called (gaussian) white noise. We assume
here that the noise N(o) is white noise. Note that in the signal
detection process, frequency
and lag l are considered
independent variables and do not count as parameters.
Summarizing, the basis for the determination of the properties of a an observed time series is a test statistic, S, with known probability distribution for (white) noise, p(S).
Let N(o) consist of no random variables and let a given model
have nm parameters. Then the modeled series N(m) corresponds
to a combination of nm random variables and the residual series
N(r) corresponds to a combination of
nr=no-nm random
variables. The proof rests on the observation that orthogonal
transformations convert vectors of independent variables into vectors
of independent variables. Let us consider an approximately linear
model with matrix
so that
where P is a vector of nm parameters. Then N(m) spans a
vector space with no more than nm orthogonal vectors (dimensions).
The numbers no, nm and nr are called the numbers of degrees
of freedom of the observations, the model fit, and the residuals,