The MIDAS table file system is described in detail in chapter 5 of this
volume. Here we just explain briefly how to access the various elements
in a table file. To do so, it is
necessary to specify the table name, the column and
the row. This is done in the following format (order):
table column row
table is the table name;
column is the desired column which can be referenced by label as
:col or by sequence number as #n;
row is the desired row referenced by number as
@n or by a value in a predefined reference column.
Like descriptor and keyword names, column labels are case insensitive.
The command:
READ/TABLE tname #3 @10would display the element in column 3 of row 10 in table file tname.tbl .
READ/TABLE tname :MAGNITUDE 20.0would access the element in the column labeled `MAGNITUDE' and value 20.0 in the reference column (this reference column must have been defined before via the SET/REFCOLNUM command).