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AOV/TSA intab outima start step nsteps [order] [cover]
compute analysis of variance periodogramme
BAND/TSA intab [maxobs] Evaluate frequency band for time series analysis
COVAR/TSA intab1 intab2 outtab start step nsteps scale
compute discrete covariance function for unevenly sampled data
DELAY/TSA intab1 intab2 outtab start step nsteps [func,mode] [parm]
compute chi2-time lag function
INTERPOLATE/TSA intab outtab func parm
Interpolate an unevenly sampled series using its covariance function
NORMALIZE/TSA intab1 outtab column [mode]
Normalize mean and variance to 0 and 1
ORT/TSA intab outima start step nsteps [order]
compute multiharmonic AOV periodogram
POWER/TSA intab outima start step nsteps
Compute discrete power spectrum for uneven sampling by slow method
SCARGLE/TSA intab outima start step nsteps
Compute Scargle periodogramme for unevenly spaced observations
SET/TSA set global keywords for TSA context
SHOW/TSA show global keywords for TSA context
SINEFIT/TSA intab outtab freque order iter
fit sine (Fourier) series, subtract it from input and return residuals
TABLE/TSA inascii [outtab] [type] [mxcol] convert ASCI table into MIDAS table
WIDTH/TSA inima [width] [centre] Evaluate line width and profile

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Petra Nass