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ADAPT/ROMAFOT int_tab [thres] [fac_int] [fac_sky] [fac_hol] [x_siz,y_siz]
derive trial values for fitting a new frame
ADSTAR/ROMAFOT in_frame out_frame [reg_tab] [cat_tab] [x_dim,y_dim] [n_sub]
create an artificial image with subframes added at random positions
ANALYSE/ROMAFOT frame [cat_tab] [int_tab] [sigma,sat]
INPUT MODE select all stars within selected subfields;
OUTPUT MODE check at the results of the fit operation and select
CBASE/ROMAFOT frame_1 frame_2 [out_tab1] [out_tab2]
create two tables for coordinate transformation
CHECK/ROMAFOT cat_tab reg_tab err_mag
examine number of artificial stars recovered and check the accuracy
CTRANS/ROMAFOT int_tab [tab_1] [tab_2] [pol_deg]
find transformation of coordinates and apply to an intermediate table
DIAPHRAGM/ROMAFOT frame [regi_tab] [rego_tab] ap_rad
do aperture photometry with fixed diaphragm
EXAMINE/ROMAFOT int_tab [hmin,hmax]
examine quality of fitted objects and flag badly fitted ones
FCLEAN/ROMAFOT cat_tab inti_tab [into_tab]
selects windows in intermediate table present in catalogue table
FIND/ROMAFOT frame [cat_tab]
select objects using the image display
FIT/ROMAFOT frame [int_tab] [thres,sky] [sig,sat,tol,iter] [meth,[beta]]
[fit_opt] [mean_opt]
determine characteristics of stellar images by non-linear fitting
GROUP/ROMAFOT frame [area] [cat_tab] [int_tab] [thres] [wnd_max]
[end_rad,sta_rad] [wnd_perc]
automatic grouping of objects
MFIT/ROMAFOT frame [int_tab] [thres,sky] [sig,sat,tol,iter] [meth,[beta]]
[fit_opt] [mean_opt] [mod_file]
determine characteristics of stellar images by non-linear fitting
MODEL/ROMAFOT [mod_file]
compute (sub)pixel values for a model observation
REGISTER/ROMAFOT int_tab reg_tab [wnd_opt] [obj_opt]
computes and store the absolute quantities in the registration table
RESIDUAL/ROMAFOT in_frame out_frame diff_frame [reg_tab]
compute reconstructed image and difference with original image
do the actual search for objects above a certain threshold
SELECT/ROMAFOT frame [int_tab] [wnd_size]
select objects and store the positions in intermediate table
SKY/ROMAFOT frame [sky_tab] [area] [nrx,nry] [min,max]
determines intensity histogram and sky background in selected areas

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Petra Nass