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BADPIX/IRSPEC in out [l=load_opt.] [dir=clean_opt.] [debug=debug_opt.]
Clean image of fixed pattern of bad pixels
Apply on-line (mechanical) wavelength calibration.
CALIBRATE/IRSPEC ima_ref mode=define
Define and store in ima_ref precise calibration from sky/lamp lines
CALIBRATE/IRSPEC ima ref=ima_ref
Apply precise wavelength calibration to frame ima from parameters
stored in ima_ref
DEFINE/IRSPEC image table [mode] [threshold] [number] [load_option]
Define fixed pattern of bad pixels and store it into a table.
FLAT/IRSPEC in_flat in_dark out [l=load_opt.] [t=threshold]
Create a normalized flat from an input flat frame.
FLUX/IRSPEC in_ima response_ima out_ima [smooth=s1,s2] [shift=sh]
[norm=normalize_option] [rect=rectify_option]
Flux calibrate a spectrum (either 2D or 1D) using a response frame
created using RESPONSE/IRSPEC
MERGE/IRSPEC prefix_ima i1,i2[,i3] out_table [excl=#pixels_excluded]
[corr=correct_option] [ref=#reference_image] [plot=plot_option]
Merge 1D spectra into a table forcing connection of overlapping regions
RECTIFY/IRSPEC in out [l=load_opt.] [tilt=tilt_value] [ref=reference_row]
Rectify tilted spectral lines.
RESPONSE/IRSPEC in_ima flux_table out_response_ima [yrows=y1,y2,y3,y4]
[obs=observation_mode] [norm=normalize_option]
Create a response frame from a standard star 2D spectrum and
a flux table.
SKYSUB/IRSPEC ima_obj ima_sky out factor[,shift[,deltax,deltay]]
[sky=sky_table] [force=force_sky_to_zero]
[cuts=cuts_values] [debug=debug_option]
Perform obj-sky correcting for variation and shift of sky lines.
STANDARD/IRSPEC in_ascii_file out_table interp_method
[degree=degree] [step=wavelength_step] [limits=wl1,wl2]
[units=wavelength_units] [plot=plot_option]
Create standard star flux table from a "flux ascii file".
SUBTRACT/IRSPEC in_ima out_ima degree [exclude=area_to_exclude]
[cont=continuum_image] [load=load_option]
Fit and subtract, row by row, polynomial to a given image.
demonstration of wavelength calibration commands in IRSPEC
General tutorial for the package IRSPEC
Tutorial for sy substraction with IRSPEC package

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Petra Nass