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In some commands it is necessary to specify the columns and rows of
an image to which that command should refer.
This is done in the following way for e.g. a 2-dim frame:
where the column specification, x or the row specification,
y can be any of
- world coordinates, indicated via real or integer numbers: 20.0,300
- pixel numbers, indicated via integers preceded by @: @35,@200
- or a special symbol to indicate
start (<), or end (>) of a row or column;
thus [@20,<:@20,>] specifies the complete 20th column of
a 2-dimensional image
World coordinates are the physically meaningful coordinates with units such as
wavelengths or arc seconds (which are defined in the descriptor CUNIT).
Pixel numbers (starting with 1 for each dimension) are the indices
of an image seen as an array.
For example, extracting the complete 12th plane from the 3-dim image stored in
cube.bdf is done via
EXTRACT/IMAGE plane12 = cube[<,<,@12:>,>,@12]
Single pixels can also be written in a more direct way, via
frame[x,y,z] = value, e.g. to set the pixel in row 27 and column 1023 of
the 2-dim image lola.bdf to 1.234, use
lola[@1023,@27] = 1.234
The value can also be an expression made up of constants and elements
of any MIDAS data structure, see the subsection
Some of the commands dealing with images are:
Rein Warmels
Mon Jan 22 12:06:29 MET 1996