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Previous: Commands
The first thing to do is to login to the computer which you would like to
use for your data reductions. The detailed procedure for getting permission
to use the computer and getting allocated disk space for your data reductions
can be found in Appendix
Assuming that you have succeeded in logging into the computer, the following
subsections describe typical use of MIDAS.
When you have logged in you should check that you have sufficient disk space
in the directory in which you are working. For reductions of images an area
of the order of 50 Mbytes would be adequate while for spectra reductions
and analysis of final results less space is needed. Now you are ready to
start the MIDAS system:
- Type INMIDAS on a VMS system or inmidas on a UNIX system.
This will initiate the MIDAS environment and the terminal should respond with:
Midas 001>
- The available commands can be listed out by typing
HELP. This only gives you the names of the commands presently
available in the system. A summary and a subject grouped listing of the
commands you will find in Appendix
You can find the full explanation of the individual
commands in Volume C of the MIDAS User Guide.
A command can have several qualifiers which will change the mode of execution
of the command e.g STATISTICS has qualifiers IMAGE, TABLE
It is possible , typing HELP command, to get a display of
all the command/qualifier combinations available for the given command.
Detailed information about a specific command/qualifier combination
can be obtained by typing HELP command/qualifier.
- In some installations a number of tutorial commands are available.
(see Table
They provide an illustration of different parts of the system.
Next: Simple MIDAS Session
Up: Cook-Book
Previous: Commands
Pascal Ballester
Fri Mar 24 17:17:52 MET 1995