The MIDAS system is supported in a variety of ways. If people encounter problems which cannot be solved locally ( e.g. through the manual) they can use the MIDAS Hot--Line service. This service will provide answers to MIDAS related questions received through the following list of electronic mail and telex addresses:
In urgent cases, users can use a special MIDAS Support telephone service at ESO on the number +49-89-32006-456. This line is connected to the MIDAS Users Support which is able directly to answer questions concerning MIDAS or investigate the problem in more complicated cases. Although this telephone service is available we prefer that questions or requests are submitted in writting via the MIDAS Hot--Line. This makes it easier for us to process the requests properly. A database with problem reports and answers is available for interogation using the STARCAT utility at ESO. General information concerning the MIDAS system should be addressed to Data Analysis Group, European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Straß e 2, D-85748 Garching bei München (attn: Resy de Ruijsscher).
Besides these support services, a newsletter, the ESO-MIDAS Courier, is issued twice a year. The ESO WWW Xmosaic server may be accessed for up-to-date information about ESO-MIDAS via URL ``''.