-Converted with LaTeX2HTML 96.1-h (September 30, 1996) by Nikos Drakos (nikos@cbl.leeds.ac.uk), CBLU, University of Leeds -
FHELP is a Host task which provides the user with IRAF like Help pages
for FTOOLS. Users of the stand-alone Host version of this task
automatically have access to a collection of ASCII formatted help
files that are distributed in the ~ftools/ftools/help/
directory (for VMS, ftools:[help]) of FTOOLS. FHELP is a perl
script unless perl isn't installed at your site, in which case, FHELP
is a compiled FORTRAN program. Type 'fhelp fhelp' to get going.
FHELP presents the task help a page at a time. If you are using the
Perl version of fhelp, the output will be sent through your system's
``more'' utility (``type/p'' on VMS). If you are using the compiled
fhelp, pressing y<return>
pages the help file, pressing
quits the display of the help file.